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There are 3 jobs that are derived from caravan in Silkroad. Every job has its own attractions and advantages, and users can freely choose to be either merchant, hunter, or thief.

Understanding Triangular Conflict

The jobs you can choose in triangular conflict are as follow
Merchant, gaining profits from caravan, Hunter, killing thieves and protecting merchants, Thief, stealing from merchants


Merchant Hunter Thief

Merchants play the center role in caravan, they circulate goods, and can make employments through contracts with hunters.

Protecting players and justice from all sorts of criminals that bring chaos to game order.

Not aware of other people, they are used to committing evil deeds, they try to make easy money by selling goods they steal from merchants.



If you want to become a merchant, hunter or thief, you have to join a guild of profession. The guilds administer and control activities of its profession, where you can check all activities related to a specific profession.

1. How to join a guild
1.1 Merchant. One can join a Merchant or Hunter guild through merchants of each village or hunter guilder NPCs.
1.2 One can join a Thief guild through thief guilder NPC of bandit villages. The bandit villages, where you can move to
through Yumi the Gisaeng in Jangan village and Cartino the soldier in Constantinople.

2. Guild Admission Requirements
2.1 Character level 20 or higher
2.2 Not a member of other guild
2.3 Pay expenses depending on your level when joining a guild
2.4 If you engaged in other guild activities, all previous records will be initialized.

3. Quitting a Guild
3.1 Withdraw from membership through union members NPC without wearing a uniform.
3.2 Your nickname in that particular guild will be deleted.
3.3 Not allowed to join a guild within 7 days of withdrawal
3.4 All information as to the withdrawn guild will be initialized.


Guild Nickname

A nickname refers to the name shown when engaging in guild activities. Guild activities refers to any activity done while you wear a uniform. Using a nickname prevents affecting general activities by conflicts arising from guild activities. You should have a nickname to do guild activities.

1. How to obtain a nickname
1.1 Contact guilder NPC and select [Create Nickname] menu.
1.2 Not allowed to use the whole character name or nicknames already used.
1.3 According to the same rules regarding character names, create your nickname using six Hangul letters and 12 Alphabetical letters
at the maximum.

2. Modify/Delete a Nickname
2.1 Contact a guilder NPC without wearing a job suit, and you can change your nickname.
2.2 In order to change your nickname, you have to pay certain expenses depending on the level of the character.
2.3 PNot allowed to use the whole character name or nicknames already used.
2.4 After you withdraw from a guild, your nickname will be deleted. Once changed or deleted, the nickname cannot be used again for good.

3. Nickname rules
3.1 Marked by asterisk (*) and distinguished from a character name.
3.2 Under the nickname, you are not allowed to use the functions of Whisper, Message, and Add Friends.
3.3 Under the nickname, your nickname will be shown in Party Window, Party Chat, Public Chat, Party Match, and Target Window.
3.4 Under the nickname, your character name will be shown in Global Chat, Guild Chat, Alliance Chat, and Guild Window.
3.5 Under the nickname, the name of a guild to which your character belongs will not be shown.


Job Items

Merchants, hunters and bandits can purchase their respective job items from each guilder NPC. You have to wear your job items to engage in job activities. Each job item is given special magical attribution according to profession.

1. Wearing job items
1.1 Install job items in the job slot of the character items window.
1.2 Create a nickname before you can install the items. The items can be installed only in villages.
1.3 Not allowed to install the items during a party.
1.4 When installing a job item, you will be relocated in front of the village portal.
1.5 Installable items depend on your job rank.

2. Removing job items
2.1 The items can be removed only in villages.
2.2 Not allowed to remove the items during a party.
2.3 When removing a trade item, you will be relocated in front of the village portal.

3. Types of job Items
3.1 Job items are categorized into Intelligence/Stamina according to each job and have different magical attributes given to each category.



The merchants in SilkRoad play a key role in the trade of goods. They can make a fortune by trade, however they can also be targets of the pirates who aim at the specialties. Contracting with hunters to protect themselves and secure the trade from pirates aiming at the specialties.


Requirements to be a merchant

When the character's level is higher than 20, go to the merchant guild and purchase job item, and equip it.


Attaining level 20 Joining the merchant
Creating nickname Purchasing and
wearing job suit
The job activity can be started from level 20. Join the merchant guild via NPC of the merchant guilder in each village. Create a nickname via NPC of the merchant guilder. Purchase and wear job suit for business activity


Merchant Activities

1. Join the guild, create a nickname and wear the job items.
2. Purchase a transportation method via stabler NPC in the village.
3. Form a party with other merchants or hunters.
4. Recall the transportation and purchase specialties at the specialties shop.
5. Start business while protecting the merchant group in league with other merchants or hunters.
6. Transport specialties to other village or trade center and make the profits.


Merchant Ranks & Experience Point

The more business one does, the higher experience point he/she acquires. The job rank differs according to the experience point. The job is classified into 7 ranks and the 7th, the highest grade can still accumulate the experience point.
A higher-grade thief can equip a higher-grade job item that enables him/her to use job-dedicated skills. (to be implemented later)


Rank Chinese Europe Descriptions
Rank 1 Beginner Merchant Trade Beginner The grade of a merchant who has never done a business
Rank 2 Apprentice Merchant Merchant The grade of a merchant just started learning the trade business as an apprentice.
Rank 3 Dealing Merchant Dealer The grade of a merchant who opens his/her own small store and starts trade.
Rank 4 Trade Merchant Trader The grade of a merchant who starts small trade on a specific stronghold.
Rank 5 Eastern Trader Rich Trader The grade of a merchant who seizes commercial power in the east and grows up a rich merchant
Rank 6 Silkroad Trader Silk Cravan The grade of a merchant who extends his/her business area from just the east to the SilkRoad.
Rank 7 Silkroad Master Great Merchant The grade of a merchant who takes control of the oasis to make the greatest fortune.

The merchant acquires the experience point in his/her business under the following conditions:
1. Acquires a certain point each time a merchant sells specialties.
2. Acquires a certain point when a hunter kills a player-thief or thief class monsters.
3. Loses a certain point of job experience when a merchant gets killed by a thief or thief class monster.


Job Activities & Rank

The merchant contributes some amount of profits he/she earned in the trade as job activity fund and the hunter is given the fund according to the amount of job activities. The thief resells plundered specialties to pay the job activity fund and, in the meantime, gets the fund according to the amount of job activities (plunder).


1. Merchant Contribution
1.1 The merchant earns extra profit if he/she sells specialties to the specialties shop.
1.2 The extra profit is contributed to the hunter guild as job activity fund.

2. Job Rank
The merchant rank is decided according to the job rank and the amount of fund contributed. You can check the job rank via the merchant guilder NPC or our homepage, which is updated on a weekly basis.



The hunter protects merchants and justice from robbers in the SilkRoad and is responsible to transport merchant groups safely and fight against robbers. The hunter makes efforts to make a safe trade through the SilkRoad.


Attaining level 20 Joining the hunter
Creating nickname Purchasing and
wearing job suit
The job activity can be started from level 20. Join the merchant guild via NPC of the hunter guilder in each village. Create a nickname via NPC of the hunter guilder. Purchase and wear job suit for business activity


Hunter Activities

1. Join the guild, create a nickname and wear the job items.
2. Form a party with merchants.
3. Protect merchants from player-thieves and thief monsters in the trade.
4. When the merchant sells specialties, the hunter shares the profits.


Hunter Ranks & Experience Point

The more thief activities one does, the higher experience point he/she acquires. The job rank differs according to the experience point.
The job is classified into 7 ranks and the 7th, the highest grade can still accumulate the experience point.
A higher-grade thief can equip a higher-grade job item that enables him/her to use job-dedicated skills. (to be implemented later)


Rank Chinese Europe Descriptions
Rank 1 Beginner Hunter Hunter Beginner The grade of a hunter who has never done a business.
Rank 2 Training Hunter Trainee The grade of a hunter who enters the world of hunter for the first time and starts learning.
Rank 3 Guarding Hunter Bodyguard One who has completed training and now starts protecting the SilkRoad.
Rank 4 Hunter Commander Hunter Leader One who accumulates years of battle experience and is qualified to lead a hunter group.
Rank 5 Secret Hunter Guardian One who left the group and does his job with excellent skills freely under a secret order.
Rank 6 Master Hunter Expert Hunter One who reaches the top position in his field and gets a reputation from everyone around him.
Rank 7 Legendary Hunter Great Guardian The strongest hunter who forsakes all his fame and protects the SilkRoad for justice in obedience to God.

The hunter acquires the experience point in his/her business under the following conditions:
1. Acquires a certain point each time a merchant in the same party sells specialties.
2. Acquires a certain point when a hunter kills a player-thief or thief class monsters.
3. Loses a certain point of job experience when killed by a thief or thief class monster.


Job Activities & Rank

Each time of doing the business, the amount of activity is defined and some profits are gained. The job rank is determined according to the amount of activity, which can be checked via NPC of each village's job guild or our homepage.
The merchant contributes some amount of profits he/she earned in the trade as job activity fund and the hunter is given the fund according to the amount of job activities. The thief resells plundered specialties to pay the job activity fund and, in the meantime, gets the fund according to the amount of job activities (plunder).

1. Hunter Incentives
The hunter will be given as much as the merchant contributes as job activity fund.
1.1 The contribution level of a hunter indicates an amount of activity for a week.
1.2 After the regular maintenance on a weekly basis, the hunter is given incentives according to his contribution level. The evaluation remains
for a week only and then it will be reset on the next week's regular maintenance.

2. Job Rank
The rank of a hunter is decided according to the job rank and the contribution level. You can check the job rank via the hunter guilder NPC or our homepage, which is updated on a weekly basis.



One who doesn‘t care about other people and takes delight in plunder. The thief robs the merchant of specialties to make money, but always gets threatened by the hunter aiming at the reward. So the thief is an offender and victim as well.


Prerequisites for being a thief

Attaining level 20 Joining the thief guild Creating nickname Purchasing and
wearing job suit
The job activity can be started from level 20. Join the thief guild via NPC of the thief guilder in the thief village. Create a nickname via NPC of the thief guilder. Purchase and wear job suit for plunder


Thief Activities

1. Join the guild, create a nickname and wear the job items.
2. Forms a party with other thieves.
3. Attacks the hunter, merchant and transportation method.
4. The specialties fall down on the ground.
5. Recall a prepared transportation method and collect the fallen specialties to load.
6. Move using the Scroll of Return to Bandit Village.
7. Gain profits by selling the plundered specialties to the thief guilder NPC.


Thief Ranks & Experience Point

The more thief activities one does, the higher experience point he/she acquires. The job rank differs according to the experience point. The job is classified into 7 ranks and the 7th, the highest grade can still accumulate the experience point.
A higher-grade thief can equip a higher-grade job item that enables him/her to use job-dedicated skills. (to be implemented later)


Rank Chinese Europe Descriptions
Rank 1 Beginner Thief Thief Beginner The grade of a thief who has never done a business.
Rank 2 Apprentice Thief Bandit The grade of a thief who enters the world of thievery and opens eye on wrongdoings.
Rank 3 Outrageous Thief Outlaw The grade of cold-hearted brutal thief who doesn’t care about the law.
Rank 4 Bloody Bandit Blood Brigand The grade of an enormous thief who leaves nothing but blood.
Rank 5 Mysterious Bandit Sharp Bandit The grade of an elusive, skilful thief who can steal things while avoiding a gory battle.
Rank 6 Thief Master Expert Bandit The grade of a veteran thief who is expected to steal even the shadow of the moon. No one knows who he is.
Rank 7 Notorious Thief Great Thief The greatest thief in the whole world who has nothing that he couldn’t steal.

The thief acquires the experience point in his/her business under the following conditions:
1.1 Acquires a certain point each time a thief sells plundered specialties.
1.2 Acquires a certain point when a thief kills a player-merchant, player-hunter, or hunter class monsters.
1.3 Loses a certain point of job experience when a thief gets killed by a merchant, hunter or hunter class monster.


Job Activities & Rank

Each time of doing the business, the amount of activity is defined and some profits are gained. The job rank is determined according to the amount of activity, which can be checked via NPC of each village’s job guild or our homepage.
The merchant contributes some amount of profits he/she earned in the trade as job activity fund and the hunter is given the fund according to the amount of job activities. The thief resells plundered specialties to pay the job activity fund and, in the meantime, gets the fund according to the amount of job activities (plunder).

1. Thief Payment / Incentives
The thief has both incentives and the contribution of merchant and hunter.
When a thief sells plundered specialties, an extra profit is contributed to the thief guild.
i) The contribution level of a thief indicates an amount of activity for a week.
ii) After the regular maintenance on a weekly basis, the thief is given incentives according to his contribution level. The evaluation remains for a week only and then it will be reset on the next week’s regular maintenance.

2. Job Rank
The rank of a thief is decided according to the job rank and the contribution level. You can check the job rank via the thief guilder NPC or our homepage, which is updated on a weekly basis.

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