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Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Movia 1 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
DoMovoi refers to spirits that often show up near cities of Slavic area. Some of them, who fell from Heaven to hills and forests far from villages, become evil sprits cursing Heaven and others, who fell in the vicinity of human dwelling, learn to get along well with people and protect them. Of these, Movia are rather wild spirit that can be seen in the areas near cities. Originally, they were not so evil as they would do no harm to humans, but they are becoming evil affected by the frequent conflicts in Eastern Europe.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Movoi 2 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Movoi, husband of Movia, has similar habits and yet is a bit more violent than her.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Graesp 3 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee
Imp, or Impette, refers to a small and mischievous creature, often called an elf, or a sprite. More often than not, they give people a hard time because of their mischievousness. Of many kinds of imps, Graesp live with grass and used to be very calm and quiet. Frustrated by the fact that the long wars in Eastern Europe devastated grass, Graesp began attacking humans and have become a very dangerous threat to people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Edenp 4 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee
Imp, or Impette, refers to a small and mischievous creature, often called an elf, or a sprite. More often than not, they give people a hard time because of their mischievousness. Of many kinds of imps, Graesp live with grass and used to be very calm and quiet. Frustrated by the fact that the long wars in Eastern Europe devastated grass, Graesp began attacking humans and have become a very dangerous threat to people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Baroi Wolf 5 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Baroi Wolf is a wolf that was found straying as a cub in the woods and has been raised by Barbaroi tribe, regarding them as its parents and being loyal to them. At the command of the Barbroi, it ruthlessly attacks people of the Eastern Roman Empire during the war between the Barbaroi tribe and the Eastern Roman Empire, but it is a tamed animal having lost its wild nature.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Barus Wolf 6 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Barus Wolf is a wolf that was caught alive and tamed by the Barbaroi tribe. It is so fierce that even Barbaroi finds it hard to control. Born with a violent nature, they lose control and become so violent when fighting and their assault charge can even break rocks into pieces.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Logos Baroi 7 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Logos Baroi are members of the Barbaroi tribe that go to war under the rule of the legendary bear, Hagiajoe Dow. They were once hunters and shamans who used to go hunting in the woods and pray to the skies, and when fighting, they use their crossbows filled with the power of winds to lower the enemy's hitting ratio.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bartis 8 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Embroiled by wars, the Barbaroi tribe, who once were a peaceful minority race living in Northern Europe, are forced to the brink of extinction. It just happened that they were able to escape the crisis with the help of the legendary bear, which later forced them into battles conquering neighboring areas. The men who used to work the farms take up axes and shields to fight against the enemy. Of these, Bartis focus on defense, controlling wolves and watching their home turf and ships.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Misos Baroi 9 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Like Logos Baroi, Misos Baroi were once hunters and shamans in the Barbaroi tribe, but they are forced into wars by the rule of Hagiajoe Dow. They can deal a heavy blow to the enemy by attacking them with crossbows filled with the force of fire.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Barpolle 10 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The men who used to work the fields but were forced into battlefields are called Barpolle. Armed with axes and shields instead of farming tools, they ruthlessly ravage the enemy in the forefront. Unlike Bartis who are careful because they are not fully ruled by Hagiajoe Dow, Barpolle having lost their original nature show no mercy whatsoever.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Dow Genetos 11 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Dow Genetos are descended from the legendary bear Hagiajoe Dow and are created to fight against European knights. Created with the focus on building up intelligence rather than melee capabilities, they use magic to gain the upper hand in battles with the knights. Dow Genetos uses the magic of wind to plunge the enemy into chaos.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Kiklopes 12 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Kiklopes are known as one-eyed, cannibal, giant tribe those grow sheep and lives in the island in the middle of the sea described in Greek mythology. Meanwhile, Kiklopes are also known as good at masonry who specialize in building large castle walls. Legend has it that he built the castle walls of Mycenae. They come out into the human world after the gates between mythical world and the human world have opened, harassing people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Dow Genema 12 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Created by Hagiajoe Dow with the focus on intensifying intelligence to fight European knights, Dow Genema's primary role is to use magic to lead battles and mount heavy attacks against the enemy, using the magic of fire.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Brontes 13 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Brontes, meaning thunder, is one of the sons of Gaea, the Goddess of Land. The three sons of Gaea, all of them having great talent, give a lot of weapons and benefits to Gods, but are killed by the gods who are envious of their talent. Brontes whose spirit stayed in the mythical world comes out into the human world after the gates between the mythical world and the human world opened, fights against people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Aduna Ladon 14 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Ladon, the son of Echidna and Typhon, understands human languages and never sleeps. While watching the golden apples in the garden of Hesperides, Ladon has the apples stolen by Heracles and loses his life. Ladon was raised to the skies to become a constellation after death. Yet, never forgetting vengeful thoughts against Heracles, he comes down to the human world after the gates between mythical world and the human world opened, harassing people. He is relatively weak compared to other Ladons.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Polipemos 15 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Polipemos, leader of Kiklopes, has the most powerful capabilities in the giant tribe. Without caring about oracle that he would be blinded by Odysseus, Polipemos was so overconfident that he confined Odysseus and his companions in a cave and ate them up when they come by on their way back from the Trojan War. After making him drunk, Odysseus stroke a pointed stick in his eyes and escaped, leaving him blind.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Simos Ladon 16 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Of the Ladons who were killed by Heracles while watching the golden apples, the most aggressive one having a hatred for Heracles is called Simos Ladon.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Nemea's Lion 17 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
The Nemea's Lion whose skin is resistant to any melee weapon was breast-fed by Selene and later killed by Heracles in the Nemean valley. The Nemea's Lion seeking vengeance on humans comes down to the human world after the gates between the mythical world and the human world have opened, harassing people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Seirenes 18 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Seirenes, sea monsters in Greek mythology, often show up in heroes' adventures and are known to have been good singers and performers. Seirenes less good at performing music than Seirens assist Seirens. They come out into the human world and help Seiren attack people after the gates between the mythical world and the human world opened.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Selene's Lion 19 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Selene's lion, which is more powerful and has even thicker skin than the Nemea's Lion, comes out into the human world after the gates between the mythical and human worlds opened, harassing people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Seiren 20 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Seiren, sea monsters in Greek mythology, often appear in heroes' adventures and are known to have been good singers and performers. They would live in an island in the Mediterranean Sea and tempt passing sailors onto the island to kill and eat them. They come out into the human world after the gates between the mythical and human worlds opened, and as before, tempt passing vessels to be sunk with their sweet singing and performance and even attack people on the land.



Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Megalopa 21 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Megalopa, a monster living on the Trojan shore since ancient times, has a giant body and strong clamping claws. Although passersby's bring trouble on themselves by attacking Megalopa feeling threatened by its horrible appearance, Megalopa has no interest in anything unless hungry or attacked first.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
pilot log 22 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
pilot log is the least powerful of the pirates who pledge allegiance to Captain Ivy. They were originally mere workers who did chores and trained to learn how to use daggers and rogue skills. They are not as powerful as other pirates probably because they used to be mere workers.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Crab 23 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Crab is well known as a monster frequenting the Trojan shore and attacking passersby. It has large clamping claws are so powerful that they can easily destroy a small ship, and often comes ashore and attacks people because of its appetite for eating people. But because of limited intelligence, it often forgets why it is pursuing the prey and does other things.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Pirate Brigand 23 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
Pirate Brigand, pirates armed with surprise attacks using daggers and poison, are famous for fighting the enemy with all the tools at their disposal. Threatening as their poisoned daggers dipped in a strong poison are, their attack is not at all threatening if only you are careful about the poison.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Dark Wolf 24 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Dark wolves appear in Asia Minor, influenced by powers of the fallen angel Seniel. They come together voluntarily from neighboring areas in Asia Minor, feeling the appearance of Seniel and having dark spirits by nature. However, they are not cruel or violent, only showing up in the dark under the influence of Seniel.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Evil Wolf 25 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Fallen angel Seniel sealed to Asia Minor needs to have followers who are quick and cruel in order to protect himself. So he decides to make the wolves living near Mount Ararat his followers. He inspires the strongest and most intelligent ones of them with evil spirits and has them protect him. Later, when Seniel takes control of the minds of Ivy and is protected by stronger creatures, he looses his grip on the wolves. But the wolves with their cruelty deep-rooted now attack people who pass by the mountains.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Evil Order Archer 26 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Fallen angel Seniel gains control of the minds of Ivy and conquers Asia Minor, but he feels that it is still insufficient only with pirates. The Barbaroi tribes that invaded Eastern Europe come to his attention. He finds out that they are under the rule of Hagiajoe Dow, which is weaker than him. From that moment, Seniel begins to control the minds of the Barbaroi tribes and put them under his control, which forces many of the Barbaroi tribes to come over to Asia Minor and join the Evil Order. Evil Order Archers refers to those called Logos Baroi who were members of the Barbaroi tribe but came under the command of Seniel. They were originally hunters and shamans who used to go hunting in the woods and pray to the skies, and when fighting, they use their crossbows filled with the power of winds to lower the enemy's hitting ratio.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Evil Order Hunter 27 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Evil Order Hunters refers to those called Misos Baroi who were members of the Barbaroi tribe but came under the command of Seniel. They deal a heavy blow to the enemy by attacking with crossbows filled with the power of fire.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Evil Order Warrior 27 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Evil Order Warriors refers to those called Bartis who were originally members of the Barbaroi tribe but came under the command of Seniel. Armed with axes and shields, they protect companions and attack the enemy.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Evil Order Soldier 28 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Evil Order soldiers refers to those called Barfole who were members of the Barbaroi but came under command of Seniel. Armed with axes and shields, these frontline troops having lost their character ravage the enemy ruthlessly and show no mercy whatsoever.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Closier 29 General Preemptive Melee
Closiers are the mythical Centaur, which fallen angel Seniel failed to turn into intelligent devils. While Centaur were intelligent, Closiers were born nearly without intelligence. They are so stupid that they sometimes don't recognize their own companions but their powerful strength remains. Daring to provoke them may find a death by the two axes wielded by them. They were summoned by Captain Ivy and are currently in control of Asia Minor.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Punisher 30 General Preemptive Melee
Punishers refer to devils that used to be good ones called Centaur. They are inspired with evil spirits and reborn by the fallen angel Seniel Like Centaur who had strong powers in mythology, Punishers wield powerful axes with both hands, killing the targeted enemy mercilessly. They were summoned by Captain Ivy and are currently in control of Asia Minor.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Kokoru 31 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Kokoru named after its unique cry is a periton not fully matured into a demon yet. Not as cruel as a Periton, Kokoru competes with it in power. Therefore, don't mess with it, or you will be sorry.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Periton 32 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee
Periton, one of the demon species frequent Central Asia and are almost as big as humans. With irresistible desire to kill humans, they attack cities and merchants in groups but don't eat men. According to legend in Alexandria, human spirits become Periton when abandoned by the Gods. Sprits that can't vent their grudge without killing people take the form of these birds.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Blood Ong 33 General Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
Since Blood Ong is much faster than Ong, it is hard to escape once surrounded by them. Blood Ong is named after the fact that their path finds flooded by blood.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Ong 34 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
Ongs are very adaptable to circumstances and have spread beyond Tarim Basin into Central Asia. Ongs are so gregarious that you may find yourself surrounded by Ongs if you mess with them.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hun Archer 35 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Huns are nomadic mounted tribes of Turkish descent resides in steppe of Central Asia. They once enjoyed their dominant powers invading Europe but their fortune faded rapidly after Attila, the king of the Huns, was killed in suspicious circumstances. Now, they can be seen only in some parts of Central Asia. In some parts of Central Asia, remnants of the Huns begin to make their last-ditch efforts to regain their glorious past. It is known that Hun archers, the most powerful of all Huns, are able to hit the target five hundred meters away. They were taught to learn how to handle the winds by shamans and put the power of winds into their arrows, reinforcing their destructive power all the more.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hun Defense Lancer 36 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Hun Defense Lancer are armed with lance, having lost their ability to shoot arrows in battlefield. With the exception of their ability to shoot arrows, they are as agile and destructive as before, primarily responsible for defense in the Hun forces.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hun Shooters 36 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Once predominant as far as into Europe, leading to the exodus of the Germanic race, the Huns have lost their power retreating to parts of Central Asia. Yet, it is Hun mounted shooters that even today's Europeans are still afraid of. Armed with bows and arrows specially designed to pierce thick armor worn by Europeans, they ride horseback and never miss their target. They were taught by shamans how to put the power of death into arrows, which is known to destroy your spirit.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hun Assault Lancer 37 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Hun Assault Lancers are selected from those not good at handling bows and are trained as specialized troops to use lances.
Since they don't use archery, they are not threatening when not at close quarters. But lances thrown by them could go through the chests of the enemy, with their agile mobility plunging the enemy into chaos. They mostly trample over the enemy once the enemy is plunged into chaos by mounted archers.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Sosungsung 37 General Non-preemptive Melee
Sosungsung refers to smaller but more agile ones than Sungsungs.
As highly intelligent as Sungsungs, they move around in groups in order to compensate for their small bodies.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Sungsung 38 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Sungsung refers to monkeys that were raised by Muzigi and Uzigi and wandered around into Central Asia, having lost their parents. Intelligent yet very violent, they are the objects of fear from all ghosts, attacking with their long reaches. Probably because of the environment, they are weaker than King Bun in Khotan


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Stone Golem 39 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Rock Golem refers to monsters made of rock after people believing in the Aster Church in the village called the Village of Infidels disappeared from some unknown cause. Although made of ordinary pieces of stone, it has a body hard enough not to be scared by plain weapons.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Rock Golem 40 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
Rock Golem refers to monsters made of rock after people believing in the Aster Church in the village called the Village of Infidels disappeared from some unknown cause. Made from harder rock than Stone Golem, Rock Golem has stronger offensive and defensive powers, helpless with destructive energy and hence wandering around and seeking live ones to put out the flames of life.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Mangryang 1 General Non-Preemptive Melee
Doll that Mr. Sa of Jangan made to curse the Wijeong instead of the palace. It has been created as the ghost with the devil spirit. It attacks the human indiscriminately with the large cleaver.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Small-eyed Ghost 2 General Non-Preemptive Melee
Small-limbed monster out of the Big-eyed Ghosts.
Its eyes also are small. It is violent in comparison with the small body.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Big-eyed Ghost 3 General Non-Preemptive Melee
It is hunch-backed from birth and has one eye. Thus it was expelled. The grudge ghost created after the boy lived lonely near the Hamgok gate way and died, is the very Big-eyed Ghost. It is the very violent and attacks the people with the large hand.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Old Weasel 4 General Non-Preemptive Melee
Old Weasel lived for a long time.
The physical strength or offensive power is weaker than the Weasel, but it is very clever ghost due to the experience and intelligence accumulated.
If being abstracted, people are devoured without the realizing.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Weasel 5 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Weasel is the weasel goblin lived in the grassy land in the vicinity of Jangan and organizes the society. It shows high intelligence and no productive activity. It assails the human and takes away food, and hunts the animals.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Water Ghost slave 6 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Water Ghost slave lived as the slave and escaped. The tattoo is engraved on the face and body. It bears the hatred against the human and becomes violent due to the cruel treatment of the human.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Water Ghost 7 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Melee/Magic
Originally the Water Ghost takes to an evil course as the elf of the marshland. It attacks the people by holding the large gourd, which the poison to dazzle the people is contained in.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Broken Stone Ghost 8 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The partially Broken Stone Ghosts that the protection stone image of Ch'in tomb was changed to the goblin is called the Broken Stone Ghost.


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Tomb Stone Ghost 8 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Magic
The soul of the vexatiously dead man is sticked to the gravestone. Thus the goblin created is the Tomb Stone Ghost. It attacks only people alive with drifting. To drive away the Tomb Stone Ghost, the people must rip apart and break away the Tomb Stone Ghost.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Stone Ghost 9 General Preemptive Melee
Stone image made from the lion-shape stone. This was made for protect Ch'in tomb, but attacks all people passed by after losing the control power with passage of time. The attack using the hard legs made of the stone is very powerful.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Stone 9 Melee defense Preemptive Magic
The Stone Ghost is the gravestone possessed by a devil apart from the Tomb Stone Ghost. It possesses stronger devil vigor and appears frequently in the vicinity of the tomb area.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Decayed Yeoha 10 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
Even main body goes rotten due to the strong curse. Even though the body goes rotten, it is as dangerous as the Yeoha.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Yeoha 10 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Originally the Yeoha was the elf of the tree to protect the nature as the demon lived in the southeast area of the southern valley in Jangan. They was the good elves to protect and assist the travelers who passed by the mountain path or valley. But they become depraved to the wicked elves.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bandit surbodinate 11 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
This shows the low ranking out of the bandit who handle the sword. This wears the fox skin apart from the bandit wearing the high-quality tiger skin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bandit Archer 12 General Preemptive Melee
This show the low ranking out of the bandits to handle the bow. This wears the fox skin apart from the bandit wearing the high-quality tiger skin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Young Tiger 13 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Melee
These are the young of the tiger governing the Hohyeol Mountain. Though they are young, they are very fierce.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tiger 14 General Preemptive Melee
This is the man-eating huge tiger lived in the Hohyeol Mountain. It is large and strong. The Tiger follows the Mabok and stains with blood.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bandit bowman 15 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Bandit bowman is the member of the bandit group who manages to export the goods of the merchants to make a journey to the Silk Road. The Bandit Archer is stronger and more accurate in shooting the arrow contrary to the bandit archer.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bandit 16 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Bandit bowman is the member of the bandit group who manages to export the goods of the merchants to make a journey to the Silk Road. Since the bandit who holds the blade trained the Fire Force Mastery and was expelled, it can operate the vigor technique.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Tiger 17 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
It is introduced that only one tiger is born out of 1,000 tigers. It has the black body. The people who pass by the Hohyeol Mountain call it the black devil.


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White Tiger 18 General Preemptive Melee
It is introduced that the tiger group governing the tiger had lived in the Hohyeol Mountain for 100 years. They lead the tigers and attack the people intellectually.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Chakji Worker 19 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Chakji Worker was the handmaid to serve the Taoist hermit of the Huang He, but was punished with the Chakji when the Chakji had gone against the Taoist hermit.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Chakji 20 General Preemptive Melee
The Chakji was the handmaid to serve the Taoist hermit of the Huang He, but is punished on charges of being covetous of the woman given as the sacrifice and running away. After then, it had the shape of the lizard. It loses the human nature and becomes the demon.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Ghost Bug 21 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Ghost Bug flies fast and seeks for the prey as the bug monster to live the dryland of the western china.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Devil Bug 22 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Devil Bug flies fast and seeks for the prey as the bug monster to live the dryland of the western china. It melts the human skin by spitting the gastric juice and sucks in it. The person attacked by the Devil Bug has only the bones and skin.


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Hyungno Ghost soldier 23 General Preemptive Melee
The Hyungno Ghost soldier is a kind of the revengeful spirit created when the soldier of the Huns died in the ancient time before the Tang had governed. It appears and disappears near the Donwhang, and attacks all people indiscriminately due to the hatred against the Han race.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hyungno Ghost 24 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Hyungno Ghost is the existence created by the living of minor demons near the Hyungno Ghost. As it is more intelligent than the Hyungno Ghost soldier, it is very difficult to handle it.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Demon Horse 25 General Preemptive Melee
The malignant spirit of the horses killed instead of food by the human who ran out of food or died from the disease wanders about in this world and was called the Demon Horse.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Devil Horse 26 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The horses, which wandered about in this world out of the Demon Horses, loses the soul and has the flesh. The Demon Horse without all awarness is called the Devil Horse.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Meek Gun Powder 27 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Magic
The Meek Gun Powder is holding the gunpowder to make a hole and work in the cliff. But when attacked, it uses the gunpowder as the attacking weapon.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Earth Ghost 27 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
This is the barbarous tribe lived in the waste land. This is small and its face is detestable. Originally it was good, but became violent due to the persecution of the human. It attacks the merchant or traveler passed by the waste land with the blades in two hands.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Meek Earth Ghost 28 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
This is submissive and is called the Meek Earth Ghost. This was not raised for the battle, but it becomes very fierce when attacked.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Gun Powder 28 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
This is the high-rank Gun power. It attacks the people with the gunpowder. The person who receives the bomb attack is completely demolished.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hyeongcheon guard 29 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
When in the past, Hyeongcheon was killed by the Ureuchi, his guards all were killed. After Hyeongcheon revives, his guards also do so and escort him like the shade.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Earth Taoist 30 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The Earth Taoist shows high intelligence and strong spiritual power. It makes various magical attacks by using the power of incantation. It can control the fire and uses the very intimidate fire incantation.


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Earth Magician 30 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The Earth Magician has the stronger influence than the Earth Taoist. It possesses the powerful magic to burn out the wide-range area by exploding the power of the fire.


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Hyeongcheon 30 Melee defense Preemptive Magic
Hyeongcheon was the excellent warrior of the foreign tribe in the western china, but he was killed by the Ureuchi of the Tang and thrown away to the waste land. He revives as the monster without a head thanks to the witch doctor of the foreign tribe. He attacks the people to find his own head and holds the only head.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black scorpion 31 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The scorpion has the black shell. The black shell of the black scorpion is used for the armor.


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Scorpion 32 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
The scorpion, which inhabits in the sand of the hot desert, has been evolved. Many people have an eye on the shell due to the high price.


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Blood Devil Flower 33 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Blood Devil Flower governed by the vicious mind makes the people the dead body instead of injuring the human.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Blood Ong 33 General Non-Preemptive Melee
Since the Blood Ong is much faster than the Ong, evading them when covered by the group of the Blood Ong is very difficult. As the place the Blood Ong passed is covered with the blood, it is called the Blood Ong.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Blood Death Flower 34 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
It was the elf of the tree settled here in the ancient time, but the ground was desertificated. Thus it did not leave here and became the demon to devour the human to survive.


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Ong 34 General Preemptive Melee
The Ong is the same system of the Gwichung in the Western China, but has the unique form suitable for the climate of hot desert. The Ong has the strong grouping.


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Black Robber Follower 35 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
It is the low-rank subordinate out of the Black Robbers and plays a role of monitoring and scouting the merchants.


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Heukyeowa 35 General Non-Preemptive Melee
It is practically the sister relation with the Heukyeowa and Black Yeowa. Its bodyshows the black similar to gray. It is less offensive than the Black Yeowa.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Robber Archer 36 Magic defense Preemptive Melee
It comes from the foreign tribe of the western china and was the soldier in the ancient Tang Empire. But now it manages to plunder and kill the merchants who pass by the desert and lived in the Tarim Basin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Yeowa 36 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
The goblin with the body as smooth as the silk and the red skin lived in the dryland of the west and was called the Black Yeowa. It devours the people approached by concealing the body of the snake in a cloud of dust.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Robber Bowman 37 General Preemptive Melee
The monster who is the most skillful in shooting the arrow out of the Black Robbers was called the Black Robber Bowman. They can shoot the arrow far away and correctly and was the threat for the merchant who passed by the Silk Road.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Robber 38 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
This monster who comes from the western china was the soldier of the ancient Tang Empire. But now it manages to plunder and kill the merchants who pass by the desert and lived in the Tarim Basin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Small Red Scorpion 39 General Preemptive Melee
The scorpions evolved more strongly than the general scorpions lived the deep desert and was called the red scorpion due to its red body color. The Small Red Scorpion out of the red ones is smaller than the red one, but very offensive.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Red scorpion 40 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
The scorpions evolved more strongly than the general scorpions lived the deep desert and was called the red scorpion due to its red body color. The size of the red scorpion is twice larger than the scorpion and unimaginably very cruel.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Red-eye Ghost 41 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Red-eye Ghost inhabits among the huge rockwalls located in the center of the desert. Its shape resembles that of the lizard, but its red eye with the large and strong energy does that of the demon. It lives in the dead ravine and hunts the tiger moth, which passes by the Tarim Basin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Dark-eye Ghost 42 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Dark-eye Ghost inhabits among the huge rockwalls located in the center of the desert. . Its shape resembles that of the lizard, but its blue eye with the large and strong energy does that of the demon. It lives in the dead ravine and hunts the tiger moth, which passes by the Tarim Basin.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Maong 43 General Preemptive Melee
The Maong resembles the Ong of the Tarim Basin and is the mutation with the black wing. It is much more fierce and offensive than the general Ong, and is grouped. As they look like the black cloud when the black Ongs fly together, they were called the black wind of the desert and feared by the people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Small Bunwang 44 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Small Bunwang is a member of the monkey tribe who governs the Hotan.
The Small Bunwang is a bit smaller than the Bunwang, but very nimble. Like the Bunwang, it shows high intelligence and moves together to complement the small physique.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bunwang 45 Magic defense Preemptive Melee
The Bunwang is a member of the monkey tribe who governs the Hotan. The relation with the Mujigi is similar the relation of the father and son. It is clever and very violent. The goblins in the neighborhood fear it. It attacks the enemy by using the long arms.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Ultra Blood Devil 46 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Ultra Blood Devil is the plant-type goblin stronger than the Blood Death Flower. The man cursed by it becomes the living dead body. It cannot move. The care must be taken of the movement of the root.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Golden Spider 47 General Preemptive Melee
This is the spider with deadly poison lived in the vicinity of the Hotan. The Golden Spider attacks the animal passed by disguising the yellow golden body in the sand.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
White Spider 48 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
This is the spider with deadly poison lived in the vicinity of the Hotan. The White Spider kills the prey dazzled by the splendid external features by stretching the cobwebs.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Mujigi 49 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The Mujigi walks with two legs like the human. It shows high intelligence. The relation with the Bunwang is similar to that between the father and son. This regards all seen in the Karakoram as the enemy.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Ujigi 50 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Ujigi walks with two legs like the human. It shows high intelligence. The relation with the Bunwang is similar to that between the mother and son. This regards all seen in the Karakoram as the enemy.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Ishade 51 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
In the middle of the winter, the elf of the snow, Ishade appears. It hates the human who invades its territory. But the people always must be careful of the Ishade when the Karakoram was frozen.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Hashade 52 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
In the middle of the winter, the elf of the snow, Hashade appears. The Hashade is the rival of the Ishade. They are not getting along.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Blue-face Spider 52 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Blue-face spider lived the deep area of the Karakoram full of snow storm and cool wave has the blue face like the ice. It is assumed that this was changed from the spider and was evolved and its lifestyle is similar with that of the spider.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
White-face spider 53 General Preemptive Magic
The White-face spider lived the deep area of the Karakoram full of snow storm and cool wave has the blue face like the ice. It is assumed that this was changed from the spider and was evolved and its lifestyle is similar with that of the spider.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Penon Fighter 54 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Penon Fighter is the creature made of the ice and lived in the ice lake of the Himalaya. The Ishyutar made the gigantic military to accomplish the plot. The Penon cuts the enemy mercilessly with the right arm made of the ice blade.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Penon Warriror 55 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The Penon Warriors organized with the powerful ones show the more excellent combat strength than the Penon Fighters. They are skillful in both offense and defense due to the shield in one hand.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Plana 56 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The Plana is the creature the Ishyutar created like the Penon. It cannot make a direct attack like the Penon, but shouts the cool and queer sound and drives the enemy to distraction.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Big Blue Spider 57 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The Big Blue Spider lived in the deep area of the Karakoram is evolved from the Blue-face Spider. Its body became giant to survive in the extreme climate. To maintain the huge body requires a lot of preys.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Sonar 57 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Magic
The Sonar has the similar inclination as the Plana, but can control the cold wave apart from the Plana. It controls the cold wave freely and attacks the enemy.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Big White face spider 58 Melee defense Preemptive Magic
The Big White face spider lived in the deep area of the Karakoram is evolved from the White-face spider. Its body became giant to survive in the extreme climate. To maintain the huge body requires a lot of preys.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Yeti 59 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Yeti is very large and its face resembles that of the mammoth. It hates that its territory is invaded and it attacks the people who invade the territory indiscriminately. It can be met in the deep area of the Karakoram.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Devil Yeti 60 General Preemptive Melee
The Devil Yeti governs the western area of the Karakoram and leads the Yeti group, as the boss of the Yetis. Its step is very destructive and confronting it by himself will place you big difficulty.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Shakram 61 Melee defense Non-preemptive Melee
This is a kind of the Goisa who has lived in the desert of the Taklamakan. This lies in the sand at ordinary times and attack the people suddenly when they appear. Their tooth is very strong. Once the people are bitten and cannot be escaped from it.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Edimmu 63 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
This is a kind of the Goisa who has lived in the desert of the Taklamakan. This lies in the sand at ordinary times and attack the people suddenly when they appear. The Edimmu blows off the sand wind and gives the pains to the people.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Dark Kara 65 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Kara is 10 fishes to protect the eternal tree of the ascetic of the Persia, Ahura Mazda. But the Kara did not prevent the plot of the devil god, Angra Mainyu who intended to destruct the creatures and was banished to the desert of the Taklamakan. Only bone of the Kara becomes the monster to wander about in the desert and assail the human. The Kara with the dark body was called the Dark Kara.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Death Kara 67 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Kara is 10 fishes to protect the eternal tree of the ascetic of the Persia, Ahura Mazda. But the Kara did not prevent the plot of the devil god, Angra Mainyu who intended to destruct the creatures and was banished to the desert of the Taklamakan. Only bone of the Kara becomes the monster to wander about in the desert and assail the human. The Kara with the red body was called the Death Kara.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Demon Eye 68 Magic defense Non-Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Demon Eye inhabits in the desert and is very dangerous. Its shape resembles that of the lizard, but its red eye with the large and strong energy does that of the demon. The Demon Eye lived in the desert of the Taklamakan assails the existences who lose the way and are puzzled, and kill them slowly.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Devil Eye 70 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Devil Eye inhabits in the desert and is very dangerous. Its shape resembles that of the lizard, but its red eye with the large and strong energy does that of the demon. The Devil Eye blows off the poison to the existences who lose the way and are puzzled, and kill them slowly.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Feather Cloak 70 Melee Defense Non-preemptive Melee
An indigenous inhabitant of Roc Mountain. "Feather Cloak" signifies the indigenous inhabitants wearing sad-looking masks. It has a passive tendency in serving Roc. It uses a wooden boomerang-type weapon.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Soldier 71 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The prosperous civilization existed in the Taklamakan. But this civilization did not know the preciousness of the water and abuse it. Finally the civilization was ruined and disappeared. The souls wandered about in the Taklamakan. The Niya Soldier was the malignant spirit acted as the soldier in the civilization.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Black Eagle 72 Magic Defense Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
A race of eagles that has lived on Roc Mountain. A little larger than typical eagles, the Black Eagles has lived on Roc Mountain for a long time. They harass humans at an incredible speed. They enjoy picking out and eating human hearts once the victim has been attacked and killed.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Guard 73 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Niya Guard was the member of the bodygaurd specially selected to protect the Niya.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Feather Mask 73 Melee Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
An ancient indigenous inhabitant that has been living on Roc Mountain since before the place was named as such. It wears fabric clothes made of feathers and wears a wooden mask, showing varying inclination depending on the type of the mask. They consider the coming of Roc to the mountain where they live to be the will of God and devote themselves to Roc as equal to God

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Sniper 74 General Non-Preemptive Melee
The Niya Sniper was the special soldier taking charge of killing the prominent person of the enemy.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Shaur 75 General Non-preemptive Melee/Magic
A race of evolved wild goats that used to inhabit around Roc Mountain. They are fundamentally docile but will vehemently attack anyone who attacks them. It is said that those who have been struck even once by a Shaur's sword trembles even at the sight of the sword.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Hunter 76 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Niya Hunger made a living in hunting in ordinary times and became the soldier in the wartime.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Goat 76 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee
A race of evolved wild goats that used to inhabit around Roc Mountain. They are fundamentally violent and attack enemies on sight. Although they don't move in groups because of their violent nature, those who scoff at them for being alone are bound to have their blood shed.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Mage 77 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The Niya Mage was a member of witch doctor who researched the incantation under the direct control of the royal family.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Wing Tribe 78 General Non-preemptive Magic
Roc used its own feathers and created this race to fight humans. They have the human body with the head of an eagle. With wings on the back, they attack people with a brow from the sky.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Shaman 78 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The Niya Shaman was the witch doctor to take charge of the ancestor worship of the royal family.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya Royal Guard 79 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The Niya Royal Guards took charge of the guarding of the palace as the direct bodyguard of the palace.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Wing Tribe Guardian 80 Melee Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Specially elected hybrid birds for their outstanding skills, they have a strong body because they are created with the hardest and the most deep-rooted Roc feathers of them all.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Niya General 80 Melee defense Non-Preemptive Melee
The Niya Generals was the commanders who led the direct bodyguards of the kingdom.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Soldier 81 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
In the powerful imperial military of the Qin dynasty was a unit that annihilated enemies with fist duels. Of this unit, the warriors who used the Eight Absolutes Style were notorious for suppressing the enemy with their powerful martial arts skills and seal enemies' movements. Tomb Soldiers were constructed based on these warriors who used the Eight Absolutes Style.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Qin-Tombstone 81 Magic defense Preemptive Melee
The inside of the Qin-Shi Tomb is decorated with innumerable golems and décor. There is some décor that gained great power by being in the presence of these golems over an extended period of time absorbing their power. These are called Qin-Tombstone. As the golems awoke, these demons also began moving and now they wander aimlessly around the Qin-Shi Tomb.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Warrior 82 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
In the powerful imperial military of the Qin dynasty was a unit that annihilated enemies with fist duels. Of this unit, the warriors who used the Great Absolute Style used energy attacks both long and short range, throwing enemies into confusion. Tomb Warriors were constructed based on these warriors who used the Great Absolute Style.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Antinoke 82 General Non-Preemptive Melee/Magic
This half-human and half-beast monster has the head of a goat with large horns twisted in a spiral, the muscular human body with no hair, and hairy legs that are slightly bent. They wear claws with sharp blades.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Shi-Tombstone 83 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The inside of the Qin-Shi Tomb is decorated with innumerable golems and décor. There is some décor that gained great power by being in the presence of these golems over an extended period of time being assimilated to their power. These are called Shi-Tombstone. As the golems awoke, these demons also began moving and now they attack intruders into the tomb just like the golems.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Guard 83 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
In the powerful imperial military of the Qin dynasty was a unit that annihilated enemies with fist duels. In this unit, there were those who learned combat martial arts called the Imperial Style which synthesized all the strengths of all martial arts. These warriors, with powerful martial arts skills that enabled them to take on multiple enemies alone, jumped into the enemy camps to strike at their core. Tomb Guards were constructed based on these warriors who learned the Imperial Style.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Antelope 83 Melee Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
A race of evolved wild goats that used to inhabit the surroundings of Roc Mountain. They are violent and unreservedly attack people on sight with their claws. Antelope’s gigantic horns are powerful enough to knock down an elephant with a single blow.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Archer 84 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The soldiers of the Qin dynasty were outstanding in their swordsmanship and martial arts skills but, above all, they were excellent in their handling of bows. Of these soldiers, there were some who possessed strength powerful enough to fire the arrow to the end of the heavens. Tomb Archers
are golems based on these soldiers.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Bloody Tombstone 84 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
The inside of the Qin-Shi Tomb is decorated with innumerable golems and décor. There is some décor that gained great power by absorbing the golems' power of destruction. These are called Bloody Tombstone. Although these demons also began moving as the golems awoke, the power of destruction drives them to crave the blood of the living.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Wing Tribe Chaser 85 General Non-preemptive Melee
Created with Roc's old feathers that ride the wind well, their quickness and inconspicuous colors allow them to approach their enemies unnoticed and annihilate them. Unlike Wing Tribe, they hold a spear.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Bowman 85 Melee defense Preemptive -
The soldiers of the Qin dynasty were outstanding in their swordsmanship and martial arts skills but, above all the others, they were excellent in their handling of bows. Of these soldiers, there were some who possessed strength powerful enough to almost destroy the heavens. Tomb Bowman are golems based on these soldiers.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Stone Ghost 86 General Preemptive Melee
During the Qin dynasty, the imperial palace raised lions for the protection of the palace as well as the prosperity of the empire. Statues were made in the likeness of these lions to protect the Qin- Shi Tomb. Of these lion statues, ones made of basalt is called the Stone Ghost. These Stone Ghosts are now protecting the Qin-Shi Tomb after awaking along with the golems.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Hunter 86 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The soldiers of the Qin dynasty were outstanding in their swordsmanship and martial arts skills but, above all the others, they were excellent in their handling of bows. Of these soldiers, there were some who possessed strength powerful enough to almost annihilate the heavens. Tomb Hunter are golems based on these soldiers.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Wing Tribe Attacker 87 Magic Defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
Specially elected hybrid birds for their outstanding skills, they boast great strength because they are made with the tough, blue feathers from the deep ends of Roc's tail.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Ghost 87 General Preemptive Melee
During the Qin dynasty, the imperial palace raised lions for the protection of the palace as well as the prosperity of the empire. Statues were made in the likeness of these lions to protect the Qin-Shi Tomb. Of these lion statues, ones made of granite is called the Tomb Ghost. These Tomb Ghosts are now protecting the Qin-Shi Tomb after awaking along with the golems.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Rocky 88 General Preemptive Magic
Roc's younglings. They were born from Roc and thus have inherited the blood. Although they are not even half the size of Roc, they are huge compared to normal birds. Their appearance is somewhere between that of an eagle and that of a raven. Still much young, although they are not as intelligent as Roc, their sharp beak and claws are sufficient to make people tremble.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Royal Soldier 88 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
In the past, Emperor Qin-Shi issued a mandate to select top soldiers from the imperial army to guard himself. Royal Soldiers are golems constructed based on the soldiers who were selected to guard the emperor from 100 steps away.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Spirit 88 General Preemptive Melee
During the Qin dynasty, the imperial palace raised lions for the protection of the palace as well as the prosperity of the empire. Statues were made in the likeness of these lions to protect the Qin-Shi Tomb. Of these lion statues, ones made of marble is called the Tomb Spirit. These Tomb Spirits are now protecting the Qin-Shi Tomb after awaking along with the golems.

Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Royal Guard 89 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
In the past, Emperor Qin-Shi issued a mandate to select top soldiers from the imperial army to defend himself. Royal Guard are golems constructed based on the soldiers who were selected to defend the emperor from 50 steps
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Royal Warrior 90 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
In the past, Emperor Qin-Shi issued a mandate to select top soldiers from the imperial army to guard himself. Royal Warrior are golems constructed based on the top soldiers who were selected to protect the emperor from 10 steps away.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Bug 90 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
These demons were once little insects living in the Qin-Shi Tomb. They were transformed into demons due to the powerful energies of BeakYung. Although normally docile, they are known to confuse and defeat the enemy with incredibly fast speed when provoked.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Slave 91 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
Ordinary snakes accidently ate Bi-Yung became powerful entities known as Tomb Snake Slave. Tomb Snake Slave, with negligible intelligence, were wreaking havoc in the human world and then being slain. Moved with pity, BeakYung gathered them and brought them to her own lair and commanded them to guard the entrance to the cave.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Beetle 91 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
These demons were once little insects living in the Qin-Shi Tomb. They were transformed into demons due to the powerful energies of BeakYung. They decimate their enemies with needles hidden in their body.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Woman 92 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
Among the Tomb Snakes created by BeakYung, Tomb Snake Woman possess weak attack powers. While they do not engage mainly in combat, they are responsible for maintaining the endurance of their own kind and strengthening them. Because they are the weakest of all Tomb Snakes , they are not as formidable in combat.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Pest 92 General Preemptive Melee
These demons were once little insects living in the Qin-Shi Tomb. They were transformed into demons due to the powerful energies of BeakYung. They can hide their own presence and lay ambush on their enemies.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snakeman 93 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
Ordinary snakes accidently ate Bi-Yung became powerful entities known as Tomb Snakeman. Of these, Tomb Snake selected ones with higher intelligence and strengthened them. These are Tomb Snakeman. Because of the effect of BeakYung, these snakes came to possess a special power to turn enemies into zombies.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Lady 94 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
Born with a mouthful of venom from BeakYung’s body, Tomb Snake Lady are capable from birth to handle venom as well as to cure status anomalies with the power of the white viper’s blood. Hence, one must be cautious even in breathing near a Tomb Snake Lady. Anyone who attacks them with status anomalies will see their own folly.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Demon 94 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Cold Snake Spirit is an entity that BeakYung created by infusing her own enchanted scale with a tiger that lives in a cold region with the power of the cold. This Snake is able to cast powerful magic with its own cold powers and the enchantment of BeakYung.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Servant 95 General Preemptive Melee/Magic
Tomb Snake Servant were once ordinary snakes that were later raised by the Tomb Snake, reared on BeakYung and specially formulated medicine. The powers of Tomb Snake Servant are almost the same as that of the Tomb Snake. Fiercely loyal to the Tomb Snake, Tomb Snake Servant are ready to sacrifice their own lives to protect The Tomb Snakes.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Devil 96 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Tomb Snake Devil is an entity that BeakYung created by infusing her own enchanted scale with a tiger that used to roam freely at the peak of the Ch’angpai Mountain. This Snake is able to cast powerful magic with its own wind powers and the enchantment of BeakYung.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Worker 97 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
Born with a mission to protect the Tomb Snake, Tomb Snake Worker’s protects their own kind with powerful protective abilities. Putting others of their kind before themselves, these Tomb Snake mercilessly swing their swords at intruders who would attack other Tomb Snake.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Mistress 97 Magic defense Preemptive Magic
Tomb Snake Mistresses are the more intelligent of all BeakYung’s creations. They have the ability to create an illusion of themselves and strengthen all Tomb Snake around them.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Master 98 Melee defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The most reckless of all Tomb Snake, Tomb Snake Master guide other Tomb Snakes to the afterlife when they die. One must be careful in encountering a Tomb Snake Master as one may find him/herself being dragged to the afterlife.


Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Soul 98 Magic defense Preemptive Melee/Magic
The Tomb Snake Soul is an entity that BeakYung created by infusing her own enchanted scale with a tiger that lives near a volcano with the power of the flames. This Snake is able to cast powerful magic with its own fire powers and the enchantment of BeakYung.
Image Name Lv Defense type Offence type Offence method
Tomb Snake Lord 99 Melee defense Preemptive Melee
The most powerful of all Tomb Snake, Tomb Snake Lord created by BeakYung. Tomb Snake Lord is very powerful and his power described as “power that could break heaven in half.” Therefore even other Tomb Snakes are afraid of him
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