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Chinese weapon

One-hand Sword

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese one-hand sword. One-hand sword made from the copper.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Copper Sword 1 15~16 25~28 30.6~34.2 51.9~59.1 62 24
Short Copper Sword 3 19~21 32~37 31.9~35.6 54.0~61.5 63 28
Long Copper Sword 5 24~27 40~46 33.2~37.1 56.2~64.0 65 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese one-hand sword. Common one-hand sword made from the bronze is used in the military.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Infantry Bronze Sword 8 32~35 54~61 35.2~39.3 59.6~67.9 67 37
Lancer Bronze Sword 10 37~42 63~72 36.6~40.9 62.0~70.6 68 41
Cavalry Bronze Sword 13 47~52 79~90 38.9~43.4 65.8~75.0 70 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The specially sharp iron sword that the assassins use by the rank.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Bloody Sharp Sword 16 57~64 96~110 41.2~46.1 69.9~79.5 71 51
Deadly Sharp Sword 18 64~72 109~124 42.9~47.9 72.7~82.8 73 55
Spiritual Sharp Sword 21 77~86 130~148 45.5~50.9 77.1~87.8 75 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The white sword that the superiors use. The letter engraved by the quality is different.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Snake Frost Sword 24 90~100 152~173 48.3~57.0 81.8~93.2 76 66
Inexorable Frost Sword 26 100~111 169~192 50.3~56.2 85.2~97.0 78 69
Cruel Frost Sword 29 115~129 195~222 53.3~59.6 90.4~102.9 79 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The white silver-plated iron sword the king presented to the monarchs.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Iron Lord's Sword 32 133~148 224~256 56.6~63.3 95.9~109.2 81 80
Silver Lord's Sword 35 151~169 256~292 60.1~67.1 101.8~115.9 83 86
Gold Lord's Sword 38 172~192 292~332 63.8~71.2 108.0~123.0 85 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The superior sword that can be made by adjusting for 100 days under the waterfall.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Jade Gem Sword 42 203~227 344~391 69.0~77.1 116.9~133.1 87 98
Pearl Gem Sword 45 228~255 387~441 73.2~81.8 124.0~141.3 89 104
Onix Gem Sword 48 253~286 431~495 78.2~88.1 133.0~152.9 91 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The superior sword made for solders and horses to protect the king.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Robust Guard Sword 52 295~332 501~576 84.6~95.4 144.0~165.5 94 123
Impregnable Guard
56 341~384 580~667 91.6~103.2 155.9~179.2 96 130
Godly Guard Sword 60 393~443 668~768 99.1~111.8 168.7~193.9 98 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese one-hand sword. The dreary evil sword made with drinking the blood.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Flaming Devil Sword 64 451~508 767~882 107.3~121.0 182.6~209.9 101 138
Burning Devil Sword 68 516~581 878~1009 116.2~130.9 197.7~227.2 103 134
Hellfire Devil Sword 72 588~663 1001~1151 125.7~141.7 214.0~246.0 106 132


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree one-handed sword. A masterpiece of a sword crafted with the power of the treasured sword bestowed upon Huang Tianhua by Qingxu Daode Zhenjun.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Genuine Master Sword 76 670~755 1140~1310 136.1~153.4 231.6~266.2 108 130
Authentic Master Sword 80 760~857 1294~1487 147.3~166.1 250.7~288.2 111 127
True Master Sword 85 888~1001 1511~1737 162.7~183.3 276.8~318.2 114 124


Image Descriptions
10 This fine blade made with the bones of the celestial tiger of the Heavenly Army contains the powers to destroy the heaven itself.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Oblivion Break
Heaven Sword
90 1034~1166 1760~2024 179.6~202.4 305.6~351.3 117 119
Ancient Break
Heaven Sword
94 1166~1315 1985~2282 194.4~219.1 330.8~380.3 119 116
Legendary Break
Heaven Sword
98 1313~1480 2234~2568 210.4~237.2 358.1~411.6 123 116

One-hand Blade

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese one-hand blade. One-hand blade made from the copper.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Copper Blade 1 16~18 24~26 32.4~36.9 49.0~54.8 69 24
Short Copper Blade 3 20~23 31~34 33.8~38.4 51.0~57.0 70 28
Long Copper Blade 5 25~29 38~43 35.1~40.0 53.1~59.3 71 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese one-hand blade. Dull and strong one-hand blade the military uses.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Infantry Hand Blade 8 34~38 51~57 37.3~42.4 56.3~62.9 74 37
Lancer Hand Blade 10 40~45 60~67 38.8~44.1 58.6~65.5 75 41
Cavalry Hand Blade 13 49~56 75~83 41.1~46.9 62.2~69.5 77 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese one-hand blade. One-hand blade the tribes of the southern barbarians use.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Mhong tribe Cutting
16 60~69 91~102 43.7~49.7 66.0~73.7 79 51
Kang tribe Cutting Blade 18 68~78 103~115 45.4~51.7 68.6~76.7 80 55
Hun tribe Cutting Blade 21 81~92 122~137 48.2~54.9 72.8~81.4 82 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese one-hand blade. One-hand blade used in the nation O and presented by the rank.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Iron General Blade 24 95~108 144~161 51.2~58.3 77.3~86.4 84 66
Silver General Blade 26 105~120 159~178 53.2~60.6 80.4~89.9 86 69
Gold General Blade 29 122~139 184~206 56.5~64.3 85.3~95.4 88 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese one-hand blade. The sharp plated with the white silver in the Banwolmun.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Lunar Blade 32 140~160 212~237 59.9~68.3 90.6~101.2 90 80
Rune Lunar Blade 35 160~183 242~271 63.6~72.4 961~107.4 92 86
Holy Lunar Blade 38 182~208 275~308 67.5~76.9 102.0~114.0 94 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree Chinese one-hand blade. One-hand blade made of the bones of the python called the Weaselryong.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Python's Blade 42 215~245 325~363 73.1~83.2 110.4~123.4 97 98
Python's Freezing Blade 45 242~275 366~408 77.5~88.3 117.2~130.9 99 104
Python's Frozen Blade 48 269~310 405~457 83.1~96.5 125.1~141.0 101 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese one-hand blade. One-hand blade for the royal military.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Phoenix Cornu Blade 52 313~360 471~531 90.0~103.5 135.4~152.6 103 123
Girin Cornu Blade 56 362~417 545~615 97.4~112.0 146.5~165.2 106 130
Dragon Cornu Blade 60 418~480 628~708 105.4~121.2 158.6~178.8 109 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese one-hand blade. Red one-hand blade adjusting the steel and yellow gold in the lava of the active volcano.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Flaming Blaze Blade 64 479~551 721~813 114.1~131.2 171.7~193.6 112 138
Burning Blaze Blade 68 549~631 825~930 123.6~142.0 185.9~209.5 114 134
Hellfire Blaze Blade 72 626~719 942~1061 133.7~153.7 201.2~226.8 117 132


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree one-handed blade. A masterpiece blade made with the horn of the ethereal beast that carries the mysterious energy of the sun and moon.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Mercury Astral Blade 76 712~819 1071~1208 144.8~166.4 217.8~245.5 120 130
Venus Astral Blade 80 809~929 1216~1371 156.7~180.1 235.7~265.7 122 127
Mars Astral Blade 85 945~1086 1421~1602 173.0~198.9 260.2~293.4 126 124


Image Descriptions
10 This sword, with its saw-like form, has been crafted with the bones of a giant tiger that inhabits the northern lands of the nomadic tribes.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Brutal Giant
Barbaric Sword
90 1100~1265 1655~1866 191.0~219.6 287.3~323.9 129 119
Savage Giant
Barbaric Sword
94 1241~1426 1866~2104 206.8~237.7 311.0~350.6 132 116
Ferocious Giant
Barbaric Sword
98 1396~1605 2101~2368 223.8~257.3 336.7~379.5 135 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese spear. Common spear transformed from the farming tools.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Crescent 1 15~18 26~32 31.9~37.5 54.4~65.6 42 24
Short Crescent 3 20~23 34~41 33.2~39.0 56.6~68.3 42 28
Long Crescent 5 25~29 42~51 34.5~40.6 58.9~71.0 43 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese spear. Spear made from the bronze for the cavalry soldier.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Infantry Long Pike 8 33~39 56~68 36.6~43.1 62.5~75.4 44 37
Lancer Long Pike 10 39~46 66~80 38.1~44.8 65.0~78.4 45 41
Cavalry Long Pike 13 49~57 83~100 40.4~47.6 69.0~83.2 46 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese spear. Spear resembling the crawled snake.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Vicious Snake Spear 16 59~70 101~122 42.9~50.5 73.2~88.3 48 51
Atrocious Snake Spear 18 67~79 114~138 44.6~52.5 76.1~91.9 48 55
Merciless Snake Spear 21 80~94 136~164 47.4~55.7 80.8~97.5 50 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese spear. Spear that the cavalry soldiers used on the horse and the warriors of the Guryongmachangdae have.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Iron Lance 24 94~110 160~193 50.3~59.1 85.7~103.5 51 66
Silver Lance 26 104~122 177~213 52.3~61.5 89.2~107.7 52 69
Gold Lance 29 120~141 205~247 55.5~65.3 94.7~114.3 53 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese spear. This spear is famous for the spear Yeopon used and is different by various sections.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Long Halbert 32 138~162 235~284 58.9~69.3 100.5~121.2 54 80
Double Halbert 35 158~185 269~324 62.5~73.5 106.6~128.7 55 86
Great Halbert 38 179~211 306~369 66.3~78.0 113.1~136.5 57 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree Chinese spear. Splendid and hard spear made of the bones of the python the royal military used.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Python's Tough Spear 42 211~248 360~435 71.8~84.5 122.5~147.8 58 98
Python's Hard Spear 45 238~280 405~489 76.2~89.6 130.0~156.8 60 104
Pyhon's Sturdy Spear 48 264~315 453~554 81.6~97.1 139.9~171.0 61 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese spear. Durable and light spear made of the horn of the mysterious animal.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Phoenix Horn Spear 52 307~366 527~644 88.3~105.1 151.4~185.1 62 123
Prodigy Horn Spear 56 356~423 610~745 95.6~113.8 163.9~200.3 64 130
Dragon Horn Spear 60 410~488 702~859 103.5~123.2 177.4~216.8 66 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese spear. Sharp spear made for the ascetics serving the Irangjingun to show the ancestral tablet.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Holy Iranggjingun Pike 64 470~560 807~986 112.0~133.3 192.0~234.7 67 138
Probound Iranggjingun
68 538~641 923~1128 121.2~144.3 207.8~254.0 69 134
Divine Iranggjingun Pike 72 614~731 1053~1287 131.2~156.2 225.0~275.0 71 132


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree spear. Replica spears of the legendary spear bestowed upon Nezha by Taiyi Zhenren. Made by the Huang family.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Evil Flame Spear 76 699~832 1198~1464 142.1~169.1 243.5~297.6 72 130
Heavy Flame Spear 80 793~945 1360~1662 153.8~183.1 263.6~322.2 74 127
True Flame Spear 85 927~1103 1589~1942 169.8~202.1 291.0~355.7 76 124


Image Descriptions
10 This terrifying spear made with the bones of a monster tiger, Poison Horn, contains sinister energy.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Devil Poison
Horn Spear
90 1080~1285 1851~2262 187.4~223.1 321.3~392.7 78 119
Blood Poison
Horn Spear
94 1217~1449 2087~2551 202.9~241.5 347.8~425.1 80 116
Venom Poison
Horn Spear
98 1370~1631 2349~2871 219.6~261.4 376.5~460.1 82 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese Glavie. Common two-hand blade with broad and long blade.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Glavie 1 16~20 25~29 34.0~41.0 51.0~60.0 46 24
Short Glavie 3 21~26 32~38 35.4~42.7 53.1~62.4 47 28
Long Glavie 5 27~32 40~47 36.8~44.4 55.2~65.0 48 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese Glavie. Glavie made from the bronze to break away the armor of the enemy.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Bronze Glavie 8 35~42 53~62 39.0~47.1 58.6~68.9 49 37
Long Bronze Glavie 10 41~50 62~73 40.6~49.0 61.0~71.7 50 41
Double Bronze Glavie 13 52~62 78~91 43.1~52.0 64.7~76.1 51 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese Glavie. The Glavie made for killing is used in hunting or killing the leading person.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Merchant's Hook Glavie 16 63~76 95~111 45.7~55.2 68.6~80.8 53 51
Thief's Hook Glavie 18 71~86 107~126 47.6~57.4 71.4~84.0 54 55
Hunter's Hook Glavie 21 85~102 127~150 50.5~61.0 75.8~89.2 55 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese Glavie. The Glavie that the superiors of the spear used is classified by the number of the rings.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Three Ring Lightning
24 100~120 150~176 53.6~64.7 80.4~94.6 56 66
Four Ring Lightning
26 110~133 166~195 55.8~67.3 83.7~98.4 57 69
Five Ring Lightning
29 128~154 192~226 59.2~71.4 88.8~104.5 59 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese Glavie. The Glavie developed for cutting the horses of the cavalry horses is attached with the Go for the incantation effect.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Cutting Glavie of Hades 32 147~177 221~259 62.8~75.8 94.2~110.9 60 80
Cutting Glavie of Heaven 35 168~203 252~297 66.6~80.4 100.0~117.6 61 86
Cutting Glavie of Elysium 38 191~230 287~337 70.7~85.3 106.1~124.8 63 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree Chinese Glavie. This Glavie is the unique weapon of the Manwolmun and is difficult to use.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Blue Moon Glavie 42 225~272 338~397 76.5~92.4 114.9~135.1 64 98
Black Moon Glavie 45 253~306 380~448 812~98.0 121.9~143.4 66 104
Silver Moon Glavie 48 283~346 423~504 87.4~106.8 130.5~155.4 67 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese Glavie. Sharp Glavie Muhwang of the Ju infused his own soul by burning the body.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Muhwang's Storm Glavie 52 329~403 492~585 94.6~115.7 141.3~168.2 69 123
Muhwang's Flame Glavie 56 381~466 569~677 102.4~125.2 153.0~182.1 71 130
Muhwang's Frozne Glavie 60 439~537 656~781 110.9~135.5 165.6~197.1 73 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese Glavie. Golden Glavie the ascetics who serve the Okjeongjinin, made in the shape of the Samcheondo.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Polearm 64 504~619 753~896 120.0~146.7 179.2~213.3 74 138
Long Polearm 68 577~705 861~1025 129.9~158.8 194.0~230.9 76 134
Double Polearm 72 658~804 983~1170 140.6~171.9 210.0~250.0 78 132


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree glaive. A legendary glaive that is rumored to be able to cut down ten thousand ghosts in a single sweep.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Apostasy Demon
76 749~915 1118~1331 152.2~186.0 227.3~270.6 80 130
Ghost Demon
80 850~1039 1269~1511 164.7~201.4 246.0~292.9 82 127
Esoteric Demon
85 993~1214 1483~1766 181.9~222.3 271.6~323.4 84 124


Image Descriptions
10 A beautiful, great blade with a spirit beast’s bones added to the basic great blade of Guan Yu.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Devil Green Dragon
Crescent Blade
90 1157~1414 1727~2056 200.8~245.5 299.9~357.0 86 119
Blood Green Dragon
Crescent Blade
94 1304~1594 1948~2319 217.4~265.7 324.6~386.5 88 116
Venom Green Dragon
Crescent Blade
98 1468~1795 2193~2610 235.3~287.6 351.4~418.3 90 115


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese Bow. Common bow the hunters use.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Copper Bow 1 15~18 24~29 31.0~37.4 49.6~59.9 47 24
Long Copper Bow 3 19~23 31~37 32.2~38.9 51.6~62.3 48 28
Double Copper Bow 5 24~29 39~47 33.5~40.5 53.6~64.8 49 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese Bow. Bronze-plated bow for the battle.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Infantry Bronz Bow 8 32~39 51~62 35.6~43.0 56.9~68.8 50 37
Hunter Bronz Bow 10 38~46 60~73 37.0~44.7 59.2~71.6 51 41
Archer Bronz Bow 13 47~57 75~91 39.3~17.5 62.8~75.9 53 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese Bow. Iron-clad bow for the general. It was made by the rank.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Strong Iron Bow 16 58~70 92~111 41.7~50.4 66.7~80.6 54 51
Powerful Iron Bow 18 65~79 104~126 43.4~52.4 69.4~83.8 55 55
Aamant Iron Bow 21 77~93 124~150 46.0~55.6 73.6~89.0 57 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese Bow. Powerful bow that calvary tribes of the north used.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Warrior's Horseman Bow 24 91~110 145~176 48.8~59.0 78.1~94.4 58 66
Warlord's Horseman Bow 26 101~122 161~195 50.8~61.4 81.3~98.2 59 69
Patriarch's Horseman
29 117~141 186~225 53.9~64.2 86.3~104.3 60 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese Bow. Bow with the magic formula is decorated with the sharp blade.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Shaman's Occult Bow 32 134~162 214~259 57.2~69.1 91.6~110.6 62 80
Conjurator's Occult Bow 35 153~185 245~296 60.7~73.4 97.2~117.4 63 86
Mage's Occult Bow 38 174~210 278~336 64.4~77.9 103.1~124.6 64 91


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6 6th Degree Chinese Bow. The bow for the battle is made of the bone of the python.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Eagle Horn Bow 42 205~248 328~397 69.8~84.3 111.6~134.9 66 98
Buffalo Horn Bow 45 231~279 369~446 74.0~89.4 118.4~143.1 68 104
Python Horn Bow 48 256~314 410~502 79.1~96.9 126.5~155.1 69 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese Bow. Strong bow made of the horn of the mysterious animal live in the Taktap Mountain of the Mansamun.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Vicious Snake Bow 52 298~365 477~584 85.6~104.9 137.0~167.9 71 123
Atrocious Snake Bow 56 345~422 552~676 92.7~113.6 148.3~181.7 73 130
Merciless Snake Bow 60 397~487 636~779 100.3~122.9 160.5~196.7 75 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese Bow. Curious and strong bow the Howoljok made with the steel and yellow gold.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Shiny Moon Bow 64 456~559 730~894 108.6~133.1 173.7~212.9 77 138
Blessed Moon Bow 68 522~639 835~1023 117.5~144.0 188.0~230.4 78 134
Glorious Moon Bow 72 595~730 953~1167 127.2~155.9 203.5~249.4 80 132


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree bow. Made from a refined horn of the mysterious beast, Shinoksu, it is a beautiful yet powerful masterpiece of a bow.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
High Clouds
Sinnok Bow
76 677~830 1084~1328 137.7~168.7 220.3~270.0 82 130
Shining Clouds
Sinnok Bow
80 769~942 1230~1508 149.0~182.6 238.5~292.2 84 127
Ocean Clouds
Sinnok Bow
85 898~1101 1438~1762 164.6~201.7 263.3~322.7 86 124


Image Descriptions
10 A legendary bow crafted with the bones of numerous evil tigers defeated by the celestial warrior, Ye.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Giant Ye's Divine Bow 90 1046~1282 1674~2052 181.7~222.6 290.7~356.2 89 119
Colossus Ye's Divine Bow 94 1180~1446 1888~2314 196.7~241.0 314.6~385.6 91 116
Titan Ye's Divine Bow 98 1328~1628 2125~2605 212.9~260.9 340.6~417.4 93 115


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree Chinese Shield. Common shield made from the copper.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Copper Shield 1 2.0 3.2 4.2 7.1 46
Copper Round Shield 3 2.6 4.2 4.4 7.4 47
Copper Square Shield 5 3.3 5.3 4.6 7.7 48


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree Chinese Shield. Bronze shield made in Sapyeong of Gillimseong and Wongang of Wunnamseong.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Bronze Shield 8 4.4 7.0 4.8 8.1 49
Bronze Round Shield 10 5.1 8.2 5.0 8.5 50
Bronze Square Shield 13 6.4 10.3 5.4 9.0 51


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree Chinese Shield. Military shield made by connecting the iron pieces.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Infantry Iron Shield 16 7.8 12.5 5.7 9.5 53
Lancer Iron Shield 18 8.9 14.2 5.9 9.9 54
Cavalry Iron Shield 21 10.5 16.9 6.3 10.5 55


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree Chinese Shield. Dark gray iron shield the monarch presented the subordinate who perfomed the meritorious deed.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Loyalty Steel Shield 24 12.4 19.8 6.7 11.2 56
Honor Steel Shield 26 13.7 21.9 6.9 11.6 57
Hero Steel Shield 29 15.9 25.4 7.3 12.3 59


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree Chinese Shield. Vague-colored strong iron shield plated with the iron and white silver.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Strerling Silver Shield 32 18.2 29.2 7.8 13.1 60
Noble Silver Shield 35 20.8 33.3 8.3 13.9 61
Sacred Silver Shield 38 23.7 37.9 8.8 14.8 63


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree Chinese Shield. Shield specailly granted to the soldier who keeps the castle gate and is drawn with the face of the gate keeper.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Robust Guard Shield 42 27.9 44.7 9.5 16.0 64
Impregnable Guard
45 31.5 50.3 10.1 16.9 66
Godly Guard Shield 48 37.8 60.4 10.5 17.6 67


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree Chinese Shield. Shield the ascetics who serve the Jecheondaeseong made has the cloud decoration meaning the Geunduwun.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
52 43.9 70.3 12.6 21.2 69
56 50.8 81.3 13.7 22.9 71
60 58.5 93.7 14.8 24.8 73


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree Chinese Shield. Shield made from the red iron.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Taegeuk Shield 64 67.2 107.5 16.0 26.9 74
Gungon Taegeuk Shield 68 76.9 123.0 17.3 29.1 76
Gamri Taegeuk Shield 72 87.7 140.4 18.7 31.5 78


Image Descriptions
9 Chinese 9th Degree shield. A plate shield decorated with the horns of a flying horse, it carries the power of Taiyi Tienzhun.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Flying Horse
Scale Shield
76 99.8 159.8 20.3 34.1 80
Heavenly Horse
Scale Shield
80 113.3 181.4 22.0 36.9 82
Divine Horse
Scale Shield
85 132.4 211.9 24.3 40.7 84


Image Descriptions
10 A shield made with the ethereal bones of a giant tiger that lives only on the Zhang Bai Shan.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Tiger Bone Shield 90 154.2 246.8 26.8 45.0 86
Black Tiger Bone Shield 94 173.9 278.2 29.0 48.79 88
White Tiger Bone Shield 98 195.8 313.2 31.4 52.7 90

 European weapon

One-Handed Sword

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European one-hand Sword, A practically designed one-hand sword made of copper.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius Long Sword 1 18~22 0 42.2~51.6 0 47 24
Canes Long Sword 3 23~28 0 42.2~51.6 0 48 28
Sagitta Long Sword 5 30~36 0 43.9~53.6 0 48 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European one-hand Sword, A two-edge sword with wide blades made of bronze and widely used in the Roman army.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Pisces Gradius 8 40~49 0 46.6~56.9 0 50 37
Cygnus Gradius 10 48~58 0 48.5~59.2 0 51 41
Lacerta Gradius 13 60~73 0 51.4~62.9 0 52 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European one-hand Sword, Originally it was a two-edge sword with wide blades. But gladiators made it smaller and lighter to use in their fights.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Gemini Broad Sword 16 74~90 0 54.6~66.7 0 54 51
Andromeda Broad Sword 18 83~102 0 56.8~69.4 0 54 55
Aquila Broad Sword 21 100~122 0 60.3~73.6 0 56 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European one-hand Sword, Created to pay tribute to all Warriors who dedicated themselves to their beliefs. Its ornamentation in the middle represents their spirits.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aries Flamberge 24 117~144 0 63.9~78.2 0 57 66
Canis Flamberge 26 130~159 0 66.5~81.3 0 58 69
Corvus Flamberge 29 151~185 0 70.6~86.3 0 59 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European one-hand Sword, A sword created in the swamp of the blue mist. Its blue color reflects the force of the mist.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Misty Blade 32 174~213 0 74.9~91.6 0 61 80
Triangulum Misty Blade 35 200~244 0 79.5~97.2 0 62 86
Monoceros Misty Blade 38 227~278 0 84.4~103.1 0 64 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European one-hand Sword, A sword made of moon rock in the red hot crater. Its red color reflects the force of the lava.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Cancer Blaze Sword 42 268~328 0 91.3~111.6 0 65 98
Cassiopeia Blaze Sword 45 302~370 0 96.9~118.5 0 67 104
Ursa Blaze Sword 48 340~415 0 102.8~125.7 0 68 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European one-hand sword, a sword which has a trace of the pre-emperor has been taken over. The sword is decorated with symbol of justice
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Libra Imperial Sword 52 395~483 0 111.3~136.1 0 70 123
Crater Imperial Sword 56 457~559 0 120.5~147.2 0 72 130
Vulpecula Imperial Sword 60 527~644 0 130.4~159.4 0 74 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European one-hand sword, is used by ancient woman warrior known as goddess of war. After she died, there was no way to find it but, it has been discovered by a explorer.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Virgo Dame Blade 64 605~739 0 141.2~172.6 0 76 138
Auriga Dame Blade 68 692~846 0 152.8~186.8 0 77 134
Bootes Dame Blade 72 790~965 0 165.4~202.2 0 79 132


Image Descriptions
9 9th Degree one-handed sword. Used in the blood rituals by the worshippers of the god of darkness, the spirits of those who are slain by it cannot ascend to heaven but are bound to it.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Scorpius Dark Phantom 76 899~1098 0 179.1~218.8 0 81 130
Hydra Dark Phantom 80 1020~1247 0 193.8~236.9 0 83 127
Lynx Dark Phantom 85 1192~1457 0 214.0~261.5 0 85 124


Image Descriptions
10 Known to have been used by an ancient dark lord, those who cannot prevail against the dark power inherent in this sword falls under the rule of the bear and becomes insane.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Taurus Dark Monarch 90 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 0 88 119
Cetus Dark Monarch 94 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 0 90 115
Lepus Dark Monarch 98 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 0 92 116

Two-Handed Sword

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European two-hand Sword, A regular two-hand sword for general usage in a battle.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius War Sword 1 18~22 0 42.2~51.6 0 39 24
Canes War Sword 3 23~28 0 42.2~51.6 0 40 28
Sagitta War Sword 5 30~36 0 43.9~53.6 0 40 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European two-hand Sword, A two-hand sword improved from the War Sword with a strong blade and comfortable grip.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Pisces Bronze Sword 8 40~49 0 46.6~56.9 0 42 37
Cygnus Bronze Sword 10 48~58 0 48.5~59.2 0 42 41
Lacerta Bronze Sword 13 60~73 0 51.4~62.9 0 43 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European two-hand Sword, A broad and crude looking sword, it causes great damage.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Gemini Bastard Sword 16 74~90 0 54.6~66.7 0 45 51
Andromeda Bastard Sword 18 83~102 0 56.8~69.4 0 45 55
Aquila Bastard Sword 21 100~122 0 60.3~73.6 0 47 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European two-hand Sword, A sword that even defeats a giant, overwhelming the opponent just by a light swing.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aries Giant Sword 24 117~144 0 63.9~78.2 0 48 66
Canis Giant Sword 26 130~159 0 66.5~81.3 0 48 69
Corvus Giant Sword 29 151~185 0 70.6~86.3 0 50 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European two-hand Sword, A steel sword heavy with mist. The sword spurts blue smoke.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Great Sword 32 174~213 0 74.9~91.6 0 51 80
Triangulum Great Sword 35 200~244 0 79.5~97.2 0 52 86
Monoceros Great Sword 38 227~278 0 84.4~103.1 0 53 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European two-hand Sword, A sword that has been broadened and weighted to enhance its power. It is known to be made only when the sun becomes weak in order to enhance the force of the moon in this sword.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Cancer Claymore 42 268~328 0 91.3~111.6 0 55 98
Cassiopeia Claymore 45 302~370 0 96.9~118.5 0 56 104
Ursa Claymore 48 340~415 0 102.8~125.7 0 57 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European two hand sword, consists of golden swords that had been gathered from the emperors of other nations as trophies In the past. The sword which is gorgeously decorated has been recreated by many smiths
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Libra Radiant Sword 52 395~483 0 111.3~136.1 0 58 123
Crater Radiant Sword 56 3457~559 0 120.5~147.2 0 60 130
Vulpecula Radiant Sword 60 527~644 0 130.4~159.4 0 61 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European two hand sword, which is made by a witch living in the transparent fall to give a warrior who has kept the promise with the witch.
Blade of the sword is broad and shoot out the cold air.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Virgo Knight's Creed 64 605~739 0 141.2~172.6 0 63 138
Auriga Knight's Creed 68 692~846 0 152.8~186.8 0 65 134
Bootes Knight's Creed 72 790~965 0 165.4~202.2 0 66 132


Image Descriptions
9 9th Degree two-handed sword. Crafted by a fallen blacksmith who made a deal with the Devil, this is a cursed sword that shows atrocious illusions to those who do not master the sword.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Scorpius Dark Phantom 76 899~1098 0 179.1~218.9 0 68 130
Hydra Dark Phantom 80 1020~1247 0 193.8~236.9 0 69 127
Lynx Dark Phantom 85 1192~1457 0 214.0~261.5 0 71 124


Image Descriptions
10 This giant sword was designed after the sword of the hell’s gatekeeper. It has throughout the sword sinister marks that symbolize hell.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Taurus Colossus Blade 90 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 0 73 119
Cetus Colossus Blade 94 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 0 75 115
Lepus Colossus Blade 98 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 0 77 116

Dual Axe

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Dual Axe, A standard type of battle axe with one-edge blade.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius Small Axe 1 18~22 0 42.2~51.6 0 66 24
Canes Small Axe 3 23~28 0 42.2~51.6 0 67 28
Sagitta Small Axe 5 30~36 0 43.9~53.6 0 69 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Dual Axe, A battle axe used by the furious Normans from the North.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Pisces Bronze Axe 8 40~49 0 46.6~56.9 0 71 37
Cygnus Bronze Axe 10 48~58 0 48.5~59.2 0 72 41
Lacerta Bronze Axe 13 60~73 0 51.4~62.9 0 74 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Dual Axe, An axe used by the Roman army without any ornamentation but with a look specialized for battle.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Gemini Rome Axe 16 74~90 0 54.6~66.7 0 76 51
Andromeda Rome Axe 18 83~102 0 56.8~69.4 0 77 55
Aquila Rome Axe 21 100~122 0 60.3~73.6 0 79 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Dual Axe, An axe used by the Royal guards with a symbol of the royal family.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aries Royal Guard 24 117~144 0 63.9~78.2 0 81 66
Canis Royal Guard 26 130~159 0 66.5~81.3 0 82 69
Corvus Royal Guard 29 151~185 0 70.6~86.3 0 84 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Dual Axe, A moon shaped axe used by the royal family. The symbol printed on the axe is from an ancient language that says 'the selected one'.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Crescent Axe 32 174~213 0 74.9~91.6 0 86 80
Triangulum Crescent Axe 35 200~244 0 79.5~97.2 0 88 86
Monoceros Crescent Axe 38 227~278 0 84.4~103.1 0 90 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Dual Axe, An axe used by a devilish murderer. It is known that those who use the berserker axe soaked with many people's blood will slash their opponents with a thirst for blood.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Cancer Berserker Axe 42 268~328 0 91.3~111.6 0 93 98
Cassiopeia Berserker Axe 45 302~370 0 96.9~118.5 0 95 104
Ursa Berserker Axe 48 340~415 0 102.8~125.7 0 97 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European duel axe, which is used by the hero of ancient celt, can even slash the soul.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Libra Soul Killer 52 395~483 0 111.3~136.1 0 99 123
Crater Soul Killer 45 457~559 0 120.5~147.2 0 102 130
Vulpecula Soul Killer 60 527~644 0 130.4~159.4 0 104 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European duel axe, which brings great power and makes the person who uses the axe lord of destruction.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Virgo Wind'sVane 64 605~739 0 141.2~172.6 0 107 138
Auriga Wind'sVane 68 692~846 0 152.8~186.8 0 110 134
Bootes Wind'sVane 72 790~965 0 165.4~202.2 0 112 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree dual axe. Made with scales from a violent scorpion that dwells in hell, the large blade contains powers of darkness.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Furious Beast 76 899~1098 0 179.1~218.9 0 115 130
Hydra Furious Beast 80 1020~1247 0 193.8~236.9 0 118 127
Lynx Furious Beast 85 1192~1457 0 214.0~261.5 0 121 124


Image Descriptions
10 This axe has been crafted with the horns of an ancient devil, the Minotaur. Those who are injured by the Devil’s Horn is said to suffer immense pain as though their skin was seared by the flames of hell.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Taurus Hell Breath 90 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 0 124 119
Cetus Hell Breath 94 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 0 127 115
Lepus Hell Breath 98 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 0 131 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European dagger, A dagger for practical use without any ornamentation.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius Dirk 1 18~22 0 42.2~51.6 0 66 24
Canes Dirk 3 23~28 0 42.2~51.6 0 67 28
Sagitta Dirk 5 30~36 0 43.9~53.7 0 69 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European dagger, A bronze dagger with a sharp blade.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Pisces Baselard 8 40~49 0 46.6~56.9 0 71 37
Cygnus Baselard 10 48~58 0 48.5~59.2 0 72 41
Lacerta Baselard 13 60~73 0 51.4~62.9 0 74 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European dagger, A dagger mostly used by assassins to kill the opponent quietly.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Gemini KidneyDagger 16 74~90 0 54.6~66.7 0 76 51
Andromeda KidneyDagger 18 83~102 0 56.8~69.4 0 77 55
Aquila KidneyDagger 21 100~122 0 60.3~73.6 0 79 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European dagger, A dagger made for self protection with a bright beautiful silver blade.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aries Dazzling Dagger 24 117~144 0 63.9~78.2 0 81 66
ijCanis Dazzling Dagger 26 130~159 0 66.5~81.3 0 82 69
Corvus Dazzling Dagger 29 151~185 0 70.6~86.3 0 84 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European dagger, A light and swift dagger which is lighter than a feather.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Double Haste 32 174~213 0 74.9~91.6 0 86 80
Triangulum Double Haste 35 200~244 0 79.5~97.2 0 88 86
Monoceros Double Haste 38 227~278 0 84.4~103.1 0 90 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European dagger, A dagger known to be made by the red snake clan. Once cut by this dagger, it is as painful as a poisonous snake bite.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Cancer Viper Sting 42 268~328 0 91.3~111.6 0 93 98
Cassiopeia Viper Sting 45 302~370 0 96.9~118.5 0 95 104
Ursa Viper Sting 48 340~415 0 102.8~125.7 0 97 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European dagger, which is golden dagger, shines with so gorgeous gold color that it can even make a person blind with the beam reflect from the blade of the dagger.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Libra Golden Glitter 52 395~483 0 111.3~136.1 0 99 123
Crater Golden Glitter 56 457~559 0 120.5~147.2 0 102 130
Vulpecula Golden Glitter 60 527~644 0 130.4~159.4 0 104 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European dagger, which brings great power and makes the person who uses the dagger lord of destruction.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Virgo Wind Split 64 605~739 0 9141.2~172.6 0 107 138
Auriga Wind Split 68 692~846 0 152.8~186.8 0 110 134
Bootes Wind Split 72 790~965 0 165.4~202.2 0 112 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree dagger. Made with scales from a violent scorpion that dwells in hell, the large blade contains powers of darkness.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Sudden Vanishing 76 899~1098 0 179.1~218.9 0 115 130
Hydra Sudden Vanishing 80 1020~1247 0 193.8~236.9 0 118 127
Lynx Sudden Vanishing 85 1192~1457 0 214.0~261.5 0 121 124


Image Descriptions
10 A dagger crafted in hell, its blade has absorbed the eternal blaze of the hellfire and does not become dull.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Taurus Immortal Edge 90 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 0 124 119
Cetus Immortal Edge 94 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 0 127 115
Lepus Immortal Edge 98 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 0 131 116

Cross Bow

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European crossbow, A crossbow made for general purposes. No specific characteristics.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius Copper CrossBow 1 18~22 0 42.2~51.6 0 47 24
Canes Copper CrossBow 3 23~28 0 42.2~51.6 0 48 28
Sagitta Copper CrossBow 5 30~36 0 43.9~53.6 0 48 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European crossbow, A crossbow covered with bronze and is used mostly by the army.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Pisces Battle Crossbow 8 40~49 0 46.6~56.9 0 50 37
Cygnus Battle Crossbow 10 48~58 0 48.5~59.2 0 51 41
Lacerta Battle Crossbow 13 60~73 0 51.4~62.9 0 52 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European crossbow, A crossbow mostly used by general officers and improved with several devices to increase offensive power.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Gemini War Crossbow 16 74~90 0 54.6~66.7 0 54 51
Andromeda War Crossbow 18 83~102 0 56.8~69.4 0 54 55
Aquila War Crossbow 21 100~122 0 60.3~73.6 0 56 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European crossbow, A crossbow covered with white silver and printed with a symbol of respect towards God.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aries Silver Crossbow 24 117~144 0 63.9~78.2 0 57 66
Canis Silver Crossbow 26 130~159 0 66.5~81.3 0 58 69
Corvus Silver Crossbow 29 151~185 0 70.6~86.3 0 59 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European crossbow, A crossbow improved from the ballista. The size is reduced, but the power is still great.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Ballesta 32 174~213 0 74.9~91.6 0 61 80
Triangulum Ballesta 35 200~244 0 79.5~97.2 0 62 86
Monoceros Ballesta 38 227~278 0 84.4~103.1 0 64 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European crossbow, A crossbow improved in durability and damage that gets its force from the combination of the moon rock and other gems.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Cancer Jewal Crossbow 42 268~328 0 91.3~111.6 0 65 98
Cassiopeia Jewal Crossbow 45 302~370 0 96.9~118.5 0 67 104
Ursa Jewal Crossbow 48 340~415 0 102.8~125.7 0 68 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European crossbow, which is used by the emperor of Rome in a war, consists of pure gold.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Libra Imperial Bow 52 395~483 0 111.3~136.1 0 70 123
Crater Imperial Bow 56 457~559 0 120.5~147.2 0 72 130
Vulpecula Imperial Bow 60 527~644 0 130.4~159.4 0 74 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European crossbow, which is decorated with symbol of moon, consists of steel that absorbed the moonlight for a thousand day.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Virgo Lunar Hunter 64 605~739 0 141.2~172.6 0 76 138
Auriga Lunar Hunter 68 692~846 0 152.8~186.8 0 77 134
Bootes Lunar Hunter 72 790~965 0 165.4~202.2 0 79 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree crossbow. A weapon of great attack power built by blacksmiths that dwell deep underground, this crossbow has a special device that causes the bolt to cause a storm-like effect as it flies.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Storm Spiral 76 899~1098 0 179.1~218.9 0 81 130
Hydra Storm Spiral 80 1020~1247 0 193.8~236.9 0 83 127
Lynx Storm Spiral 85 1192~1457 0 214.0~261.5 0 85 124


Image Descriptions
10 This crossbow, with its power to destroy light, was made by the devils of the Night Army in preparation for their war against the heavens.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization(%) Magical Specialization Durability Accuracy
Taurus Night Wings 90 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 0 80 119
Cetus Night Wings 94 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 0 91 115
Lepus Night Wings 98 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 0 92 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Staff, A practical magical staff made mostly for apprentice wizards.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius Long Staff 1 0 28~35 0 67.5~82.5 39 24
Canes Long Staff 3 0 37~45 0 67.5~82.5 40 28
Sagitta Long Staff 5 0 47~58 0 70.2~85.8 40 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Staff, A bronze magical staff with a head design of fish scale.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Pisces Bronze Staff 8 0 64~78 0 74.5~91.1 42 37
Cygnus Bronze Staff 10 0 76~93 0 77.5~94.8 42 41
Lacerta Bronze Staff 13 0 96~117 0 82.3~100.6 43 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Staff, A magical staff that amplifies the magical power in response to one's mentality.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Gemini Soul Staff 16 0 118~144 0 87.3~106.7 45 51
Andromeda Soul Staff 18 0 133~163 0 90.8~111.0 45 55
Aquila Soul Staff 21 0 159~195 0 96.4~117.8 47 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Staff, A magical staff that has been passed on from ancient times. A spell has been cast on it to amplify magical powers.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aries Wing Staff 24 0 188~230 0 102.3~125.0 48 66
Canis Wing Staff 26 0 209~255 0 106.4~130.1 43 69
Corvus Wing Staff 29 0 242~296 0 113.0~138.1 50 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Staff, A magical staff strangely designed to recall mystical power at the head of the staff in order to amplify magical powers.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Mystic Staff 32 0 279~341 0 119.9~146.5 51 80
Triangulum Mystic Staff 35 0 319~390 0 127.2~155.5 52 86
Monoceros Mystic Staff 38 0 364~444 0 135.0~165.0 53 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Staff, A staff that has been made with a moon rock soaked with blood containing the wizard's pride. Depending on the dignity of the one who casts a spell, the magic becomes stronger.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Cancer Blood Flare 42 0 429~525 0 146.1~178.6 55 98
Cassiopeia Blood Flare 45 0 484~592 0 155.1~189.5 56 104
Ursa Blood Flare 48 0 544~665 0 164.6~201.1 57 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European staff, which is decorated with golden pentacle, can only be used by high wizard.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Libra Pentacle Ornament 52 0 632~773 0 178.1~217.7 58 123
Crater Pentacle Ornament 56 0 732~894 0 192.8~235.6 60 130
Vulpecula Pentacle Ornament 60 0 843~1030 0 208.7~255.0 61 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European staff, which is also called pride of a wizard has been taken over for the best wizards in the Imperial Household
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Virgo Elegant Staff 64 0 968~1183 0 225.9~276.1 63 138
Auriga Elegant Staff 68 0 1107~1353 0 244.5~298.9 65 134
Bootes Elegant Staff 72 0 1263~1544 0 264.7~323.5 66 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree staff. A magic staff crafted inside a glacier by a supreme magician of old, the cold energy that the staff exudes reinforces the magic of the wielder.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Magician Glacier 76 0 1438~1757 0 286.5~350.2 68 130
Hydra Magician Glacier 80 0 1632~1995 0 310.1~379.0 69 127
Lynx Magician Glacier 85 0 1907~2331 0 342.4~418.5 71 124


Image Descriptions
10 The soul of the devil summoned through the dark magic cast by the ancient dark mages is bound to this soul staff.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Taurus Soul Fiend 90 0 1388~1697 0 236.3~288.8 80 119
Cetus Soul Fiend 94 0 1612~1971 0 255.7~312.6 90 115
Lepus Soul Fiend 98 0 1868~2284 0 276.8~338.3 92 116

Warlock Rod

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Warlock Rod, An ordinary magical staff. The top of the staff recalls a mystical power, so the Warlocks use it.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius ArcStick 1 0 28~35 0 67.5~82.5 39 24
Canes ArcStick 3 0 37~45 0 67.5~82.5 40 28
Sagitta ArcStick 5 0 47~58 0 70.2~85.8 40 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Warlock Rod, A one-hand magical staff with a dark force. It is made in the shade away from the sun.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Pisces ShadyStick 8 0 64~78 0 74.5~91.1 42 37
Cygnus ShadyStick 10 0 76~93 0 77.5~94.8 42 41
Lacerta ShadyStick 13 0 96~117 0 82.3~100.6 43 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Warlock Rod, A one-hand magical staff with a sharp rock ornament. It is made with a steel soaked with blood, and thus glows in red.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Gemini SpineRod 16 0 118~144 0 87.3~106.7 45 51
Andromeda SpineRod 18 0 133~163 0 90.8~111.0 45 55
Aquila SpineRod 21 0 159~195 0 96.4~117.8 47 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Warlock Rod, A staff that has been cursed by a dark wizard and filled with fear and despair, strengthening the power of the dark side.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aries DismayRod 24 0 188~230 0 102.3~125.0 48 66
Canis DismayRod 26 0 209~255 0 106.4~130.1 48 69
Corvus DismayRod 29 0 242~296 0 113.0~138.1 50 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Warlock Rod, A one-hand magical staff made with steel from the chaotic swirl which amplifies the dark force.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aquarius SwirlRod 32 0 279~341 0 119.9~146.5 51 80
Triangulum SwirlRod 35 0 319~390 0 127.2~155.5 52 86
Monoceros SwirlRod 38 0 364~444 0 135.0~165.0 53 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Warlock Rod, At the time when the Devil has brought chaos to the world, the Arch Angel came to earth on behalf of God to protect human beings and defeat the Devil. The shield belongs to that Arch Angel and when equipped, God's blessings and protection are received.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Cancer RavenShadow 42 0 429~525 0 146.1~178.6 55 98
Cassiopeia RavenShadow 45 0 484~592 0 155.1~189.5 56 104
Ursa RavenShadow 48 0 544~665 0 164.6~201.1 57 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European warlock rod, the rod is decorated with gold that amplifies the curse. As the curse force gets bigger, it brings bigger ruin.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Libra GoldenScourge 52 0 632~773 0 178.1~217.7 58 123
Crater GoldenScourge 56 0 732~894 0 192.8~235.6 60 130
Vulpecula GoldenScourge 60 0 843~1030 0 208.7~255.0 61 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European warlock rod, which is created with hatred of women's tear.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Virgo NemesisTear 64 0 968~1183 0 225.9~276.1 63 138
Auriga NemesisTear 68 0 1107~1353 0 244.5~298.9 65 134
Bootes NemesisTear 72 0 1263~1544 0 264.7~323.5 66 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree warlock rod. A one-handed magic rod crafted with a blood curse in order to amplify the dark energy, the wielder casts more powerful dark magic due to the blood thirst.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Bloody Anathema 76 0 1438~1757 0 286.5~350.2 68 130
Hydra Bloody Anathema 80 0 1632~1995 0 310.1~379.0 69 127
Lynx Bloody Anathema 72 0 1907~2331 0 342.4~418.5 71 124


Image Descriptions
10 Created by one dark mage who pursued unlimited powers, this magic wand drains all the powers of those who fail to overcome its curse.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Taurus Disaster Cane 90 0 2221~2715 0 378.0~462.0 73 119
Cetus Disaster Cane 94 0 2580~3153 0 409.2~500.1 75 115
Lepus Disaster Cane 98 0 2989~3654 0 442.9~541.3 77 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Harp, An ordinary 4 string harp for general use.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius TetraCalled 1 0 28~35 0 67.5~82.5 35 24
Canes TetraCalled 3 0 37~45 0 67.5~82.5 36 28
Sagitta TetraCalled 5 0 37~56 0 70.2~85.5 40 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Harp, A harp with an open type frame mostly used by the troubadours who like to look impressive.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Pisces Bronze Kitara 8 0 64~78 0 74.5~91.1 37 37
Cygnus Bronze Kitara 10 0 76~93 0 77.5~94.8 38 41
Lacerta Bronze Kitara 13 0 96~117 0 82.3~100.6 39 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Harp, A symmetrically shaped harp that is designed to be heard from miles away.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Gemini Hamonia Blow 16 0 118~144 0 87.3~106.7 40 51
Andromeda Hamonia Blow 18 0 106~146 0 90.8~111.0 41 55
Aquila Hamonia Blow 21 0 133~163 0 96.4~117.8 42 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Harp, A harp made with white silver that sounds much clearer with the force of the white silver when played.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aries Silver Kitara 24 0 188~230 0 102.3~125.0 43 66
Canis Silver Kitara 26 0 209~255 0 106.4~130.1 44 69
Corvus Silver Kitara 29 0 242~296 0 113.0~138.1 45 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Harp, A harp made with steel that produces a variety of strong high quality sounds.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aquarius Hepta Forte 32 0 279~341 0 119.9~146.5 46 80
Triangulum Hepta Forte 35 0 319~390 0 127.2~155.5 47 86
Monoceros Hepta Forte 38 0 364~444 0 135.0~165.0 48 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Harp, A grotesque looking harp with a gloomy shade made during the lunar eclipse when the dark force is strong.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Cancer Melodious 42 0 429~525 0 146.1~178.6 49 98
Cassiopeia Melodious 45 0 484~592 0 155.1~189.5 50 104
Ursa Melodious 48 0 544~665 0 164.6~201.1 51 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European harp, which is decorated with gold, minstrel uses for performance infont of emperor.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Libra GoldenKitara 52 0 632~773 0 178.1~217.7 53 123
Crater GoldenKitara 56 0 732~894 0 192.8~235.6 54 130
Vulpecula GoldenKitara 60 0 843~1030 0 208.7~255.0 55 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European harp, which is created with hatred of women's tear
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Virgo NonaCalled Muse 64 0 968~1183 0 225.9~276.1 57 138
Auriga NonaCalled Muse 68 0 1107~1353 0 244.5~298.9 58 134
Bootes NonaCalled Muse 72 0 1263~1544 0 264.7~323.5 59 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree harp. A one-handed magic rod crafted with a blood curse in order to amplify the dark energy, the wielder casts more powerful dark magic due to the blood thirst.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Cruel Suffering 76 0 1438~1757 0 286.5~350.2 61 130
Hydra Cruel Suffering 80 0 1632~1995 0 310.1~379.0 62 127
Lynx Cruel Suffering 85 0 1907~2331 0 342.4~418.5 64 124


Image Descriptions
10 This 12-string harp produces mesmerizing sounds that intensely captivates its listener in one listening. It is nicknamed the “Devil’s Lure”.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Taurus Devil's Lure 90 0 2221~2715 0 378.0~462.0 66 119
Cetus Devil's Lure 94 0 2580~3153 0 409.2~500.1 67 115
Lepus Devil's Lure 98 0 2989~3654 0 442.9~541.3 69 116

Cleric Rod

Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand magical staff made with copper.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Sagittarius CopperRod 1 0 28~35 0 67.5~82.5 39 24
Canes CopperRod 3 0 37~45 0 67.5~82.5 40 28
Sagitta CopperRod 5 0 47~58 0 70.2~85.8 40 32


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand bronze magical staff with a round ornament at the head of the staff that amplifies the magic.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Pisces Circle Stick 8 0 64~78 0 74.5~91.1 42 37
Cygnus Circle Stick 10 0 76~93 0 77.5~94.8 42 41
Lacerta Circle Stick 13 0 96~117 0 82.3~100.6 43 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand magical staff with the force of fire made by a flame wizard.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Gemini FlameRod 16 0 118~144 0 87.3~106.7 45 51
Andromeda FlameRod 18 0 133~163 0 90.8~111.0 45 55
Aquila FlameRod 21 0 159~195 0 96.4~117.8 47 60


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand magical staff made with white silver that can be used for advanced magic.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aries SilverRod 24 0 188~230 0 102.3~125.0 48 66
Canis SilverRod 26 0 209~255 0 106.4~130.1 48 69
Corvus SilverRod 29 0 242~296 0 113.0~138.1 50 75


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand magical staff made by a wizard from a rich family. It is designed with expensive magical gems to complement insufficient magical power.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Aquarius NobleRod 32 0 279~341 0 119.9~146.5 51 80
Triangulum NobleRod 35 0 319~390 0 127.2~155.5 52 86
Monoceros NobleRod 38 0 364~444 0 135.0~165.0 53 91


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Cleric Rod, A one-hand magical staff designed with gems that carries the force of the moon to amplify magical power.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Cancer MoonlightOrb 42 0 429~525 0 146.1~178.6 55 98
Cassiopeia MoonlightOrb 45 0 484~592 0 155.1~189.5 56 104
Ursa MoonlightOrb 48 0 544~665 0 164.6~201.1 57 115


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European cleric rod, consists of gold which has absorbed the sun shine for so long time that it brightly shines in the darkness.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Libra Shining Sun 52 0 632~773 0 178.1~217.7 58 123
Crater Shining Sun 56 0 732~894 0 192.8~235.6 60 130
Vulpecula Shining Sun 60 0 843~1030 0 208.7~255.0 61 134


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European cleric rod, which can only be created on the day of the full moon ,helps cast more powerful magic.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Virgo LunarBird 64 0 968~1183 0 225.9~276.1 63 138
Auriga LunarBird 68 0 1107~1353 0 244.5~298.9 65 134
Bootes LunarBird 72 0 1263~1544 0 264.7~323.5 66 132


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree cleric rod. A one-handed magic rod crafted with a blood curse in order to amplify the dark energy, the wielder casts more powerful dark magic due to the blood thirst.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Scorpio Ancient Legacy 76 0 1438~1757 0 286.5~350.2 68 130
Hydra Ancient Legacy 80 0 1632~1995 0 310.1~379.0 69 127
Lynx Ancient Legacy 85 0 1907~2331 0 342.4~418.5 71 124


Image Descriptions
10 This magic wand, with the celestial light contained in it, was crafted by the priests who worship the heavenly gods in order to destroy the spawns of darkness.
Name Lv Melee Attack Power Magical Attack Power Melee Specialization Magical Specialization(%) Durability Accuracy
Taurus Ethereal Cane 90 0 2221~2715 0 378.0~462.0 73 119
Cetus Ethereal Cane 94 0 2580~3153 0 409.2~500.1 75 115
Lepus Ethereal Cane 98 0 2989~3654 0 442.9~541.3 77 116


Image Descriptions
1 1st Degree European Shield, A basic copper shield that is light with high mobility.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Sagittarius Copper Shield 1 2.0 3.2 4.7 7.5 41
Canes Copper Shield 3 2.6 4.1 4.7 7.5 42
Sagitta Copper Shield 5 3.3 5.3 4.9 7.8 42


Image Descriptions
2 2nd Degree European Shield, A bronze round-shaped shield that is designed to easily protect the body in close combat.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Pisces Buckler 8 4.4 7.1 5.2 8.3 44
Cygnus Buckler 10 5.3 8.4 5.4 8.6 44
Lacerta Buckler 13 6.6 10.6 5.7 9.1 46


Image Descriptions
3 3rd Degree European Shield, A high defensive power shield made with steel which was mostly used by the Roman army.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Gemini Tower Shield 16 8.2 13.1 6.1 9.7 47
Andromeda Tower Shield 18 9.3 14.8 6.3 10.1 48
Aquila Tower Shield 21 11.1 17.7 6.7 10.7 49


Image Descriptions
4 4th Degree European Shield, A shield mostly used by the cavalry due to its protection of the lower part of the body.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Aries Kite Shield 24 13.0 20.9 7.1 11.4 50
Canis Kite Shield 26 14.5 23.2 7.4 11.8 51
Corvus Kite Shield 29 16.8 26.9 7.8 12.6 52


Image Descriptions
5 5th Degree European Shield, A shield mostly used by high class people.
It is a steel shield with improved defensive power and an antique style made of various metals and jewels.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Aquarius Treasure Shield 32 19.4 31.0 8.3 13.3 53
Triangulum Treasure Shield 35 22.2 35.5 8.8 14.1 54
Monoceros Treasure Shield 38 25.2 40.4 9.4 10.5 56


Image Descriptions
6 6th Degree European Shield, A wide and thick shield made from a moon rock. With a sharp outer look, it becomes great protection and a threat to the opponent at the same time.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Cancer Scutum 42 29.8 47.7 10.2 16.2 57
Cassiopeia Scutum 45 33.6 53.8 10.8 17.2 58
Ursa Scutum 48 37.8 60.4 11.4 18.3 60


Image Descriptions
7 7th Degree European shield, shield which is created in the image of the kite shield consists of gold. The pure gold force makes enemy's attack weak.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Libra Golden Skold 52 43.9 70.3 12.4 19.8 61
Crater Golden Skold 56 50.8 81.3 13.4 21.4 63
Vulpecula Golden Skold 60 58.5 93.7 14.5 23.2 65


Image Descriptions
8 8th Degree European shield, consists of strong steel which has great solidity. The coldness and lushness of dawn make a faint gleam on the shield
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Virgo Wing Gleam 64 67.2 107.5 15.7 25.1 66
Auriga Wing Gleam 68 76.9 123.0 17.0 27.2 68
Bootes Wing Gleam 72 87.7 140.4 18.4 29.4 69


Image Descriptions
9 European 9th Degree shield. A large shield made with a devil's skin, it exudes dreary energy due to its darkness attribute.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Scorpio Demonic Skin 76 99.8 159.8 19.9 31.8 71
Hydra Demonic Skin 80 113.3 181.4 21.5 34.5 73
Lynx Demonic Skin 85 132.4 211.9 23.8 38.0 75


Image Descriptions
10 Ancient blacksmiths carefully crafted this shield with intense focus and concentration in order to protect themselves from the invasion of the devils.
Name Lv Melee Defensive Power Magical Defensive Power Melee
Magical Specialization(%) Durability
Taurus Guardian Aegis 90 154.2 246.8 26.3 42.0 77
Cetus Guardian Aegis 94 179.2 286.6 29.0 46.4 79
Lepus Guardian Aegis 98 207.6 332.2 32.0 51.2 81

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